Thursday, March 31, 2022

The Doom Scroll ~ The Worst of Social Media (Special Wartime Edition) March 2022

Been a while. I got very busy for a couple months with my comic and with writing and such, and the blog was largely neglected. But there was all kinds of stupid crap on social media to talk about this month. Especially with regards to the war in Ukraine and such. So I started collecting it again. 

Yay Sanctions 

Hey, I know, let’s punish regular working class people for being born under a dictatorship. That’ll show Putin who’s boss. 

Honestly this does nothing to hurt Putin and his oligarchs. The US is shooting itself in the foot too because now the price of everything in this country is going up. Although, I am convinced the fossil fuel industry is just using the war as an excuse to price gouge, while getting everyone to blame Russia for it instead of them. How much oil did we get from Russia, like 2% of the total oil imports? They’re robbing the working class blind while spreading war propaganda at the same time.

Anyway, the US just wants to be the only bully in the world, no one else is allowed to be one. Like I said in another blog, no one sanctions the US when it invades other countries on flimsy excuses just to steal their resources, or instigates coups against leftist governments. Not that I’m really rooting for either side. A lot of people on the left, particularly those with authoritarian leanings (aka “tankies”) fall into the trap of being pro-Putin because they think “NATO=Bad so Putin=Good”. Even though Putin is closer to being a fascist than a communist. You have to walk a philosophical tight rope to remind yourself that both sides suck. Maybe one’s a bit suckier than the other, though. But the invasion didn’t come out of nowhere. Iran gets sanctioned and they pretty much mind their own business, they haven’t invaded a country or started a war since 1826 against the Russian Empire, almost 200 years ago. Imagine the US going that long without invading someone. You can’t.

Reddit Chatter: Should Armenia Just Be Part of Russia?

This was an interesting discussion I saw on the Armenia subreddit. I initially scrolled past it without giving it too much thought, but the ideas refused to leave my brain, so I went back and screencapped it for my blog. This is what I do instead of actually commenting there and getting into an internet argument. Because I don’t completely agree with the comments. 

What if Armenia just became a Russian province? Is it the only way to protect Armenia from Turkish expansionism and genocide? Or would it lead to a slow genocide of a different kind at the hands of Russia? The commenters on the subreddit are unanimously opposed to the idea, for reasons they provide above. My thoughts, taking their reasons into consideration, are as follows. Obviously there’s no point in entertaining this idea right now until we see how the Ukraine war pans out. Russians are actually moving to Armenia in droves to escape the sanctions these days. Meaning Armenia at this moment is better off independent. Armenia has enough on its plate without dealing with sanctions. Now, Azerbaijan obviously would love to eventually erase Armenia off the map and destroy any evidence that the Armenians ever even existed. They don’t even try to hide it. Turkey isn’t quite as adamant about it, probably because of international pressure, but they would eventually do the same thing if no one was stopping them. We’ve seen it before, their attitudes haven’t changed in the slightest since 1915. Would Russia really have the desire to erase Armenia in such a way? They aren’t friends to the Armenians at the end of the day, and are just using them, but at least they don’t have vitriolic hatred for Armenians. Yes Lenin gave Western Armenia to Turkey. Yes Stalin relocated thousands of Armenians to far off parts of the Soviet Union, imprisoned and killed many Armenian intellectuals, and is he one who turned Artsakh and Nakhichevan over to the Azeris in the first place. I ought to know Stalin was a dick, he sent my own grandfather to the gulag. But it’s not the Great Purge anymore, it’s not even the Soviet Union anymore, and Stalin has been dead since 1950s. Russia might repeat something like this down the road, they might not. I don’t think the incentive is there, personally. I could be wrong of course.

If Armenia was ever forced to choose, if it ever gets to a point where retaining independence would lead to the destruction of Armenia and the country has to pick its poison, I would think joining Russia would be the better option, as an absolute last resort. If Russia even agrees to it of course. Turkey and Azerbaijan aren’t going to attack Russia. Sure Russia could always decide to pull out of the region and give up land to the Turks like they have in the past, but they could do that today and the same thing would happen. No one else is going to lift a finger to help Armenia, that much was made clear in 2020. Anyway we’re already in that situation, they’re the ones protecting the borders, and if they leave, Armenia is screwed. In fact they’re less likely to pull out if Armenia becomes part of Russia. But that might be the very reason Russia may prefer an independent Armenia, they still have the option to pull out and leave Armenia to the wolves if protecting it becomes too costly. Sure they have a protection pact with Armenia in the CSTO, but who’s going to make them enforce it? They sure as hell aren’t doing anything about Azerbaijan infringing on Armenia’s borders and taking cheap shots at villagers.

In any case, you have to put your pride aside if it means survival. Pride can get you killed if you take it too far. Armenia is already a colony in all but name anyway. I would love for a return to the grand Armenian Empire of Tigran the Great. But it’s not happening. I wouldn’t have been saying any of this before the 44 Day War in 2020, but that was sadly a wake up call. Armenia might be able to beat Azerbaijan one on one, but they’ll bring their buddies Turkey and Pakistan to the party like the fucking cowards they are. Armenia is at best on extremely thin ice, if not completely screwed in the long term. That said, at the moment, remaining independent is the best course of action. The world isn’t so distracted by the Ukrainian war that they wouldn’t notice Azerbaijan erasing Armenia from the map and completing the Armenian genocide. Yet, anyway. They’ll just keep taking cheap shots at the border and trying their best to force Armenians to leave the country as a slow motion continuation of the genocide, for now. 

Just get rid of cars

I love this edit. The comic has been floating around for years, but normally in the last panel the guy gets thrown out of a skyscraper. Instead he’s thrown into a large, wasteful, empty parking lot with the saddest tree in the world growing there. I hate the way American cities are built. In the town I’m living in now they can’t wait to mow down every last remnant of the nature that was here before and pave over it with stupid parking lots. Most Americans don’t know what a walkable city would look like. I saw it in Yerevan, Armenia. Buses and taxis were affordable and numerous, there was a subway system that could take you anywhere in the city, and the streets were much more pedestrian friendly. At the busy intersections they had underground tunnels for pedestrians to cross the street as opposed to dangerous crosswalks. You really didn’t need your own car to get around. Just you wait until gas becomes unaffordable, and people finally realize they’re stuck in the middle of ten miles of suburbs with no way to get to a grocery store other than a two hour walk because of how stupidly their cities were planned. This is what white middle class people get for wanting to be segregated. Suburbs were supposed to be fortresses to keep the people of color away, really. Car culture is a byproduct of America’s capitalistic obsession with individualism over community. The car has become an extension of the ego, of the “freedom” people think they have, but actually don’t. Insecure people with fragile egos have been duped into buying huge gas guzzling trucks they don’t need so that they can feel tough, costing them excessive gas money, and getting trapped in debt for car payments as well. Another way to keep people working. And it is going to come back and bite everyone in the ass one day. Because like the comic says, they’ll do anything but actually solve the damn problem.

See this? Might as well be a map of the town I live in now. Parking lots, golf courses, vast expanse of suburbs, shopping centers, freeways, streets where everyone still drives like they’re on the freeway. And with assholes driving their golf carts down the sidewalks like they don’t have to follow any traffic laws, not even the freaking sidewalks are safe. What I wouldn’t give for a bit of nature. 

So Conservatives are going to start campaigning for the erasure of medical debt now, right? …right? 

Don’t you just love the Red Herring fallacy? It’s such a good silencing tactic, because now we’re talking about medical debt instead of student loan debt. So much easier than coming up with an actual counter-argument to why student loan debt should be forgiven. My answer: why not both? Get rid of all debt. Abolish money while you’re at it. It’s not real. Money and debt are just another form of social control. Another way to keep the working class subservient. To keep the working class busy at dead end jobs their whole lives, rather than questioning if it’s really freedom that they have. 

I wonder who makes these stupid memes. Probably bots. That’s how the internet works these days, there are more bots than people. I don’t think most conservatives have the brain power to make memes by themselves. Some corporate firm makes fake profiles and distributes them in conservative circles, where people who are easily manipulated by such drivel eat it up, because they’re all weak-minded idiots. Yeah, I don’t have any sympathy for conservatives anymore, I am sick of them, they’re all blithering imbeciles. But it was the student loan companies that created this meme. I’m sure of it. Those student loan companies need to fucking burn. Too bad Biden’s not going to do a damned thing about them, even though he promised to. He’s the one who helped make it impossible to declare bankruptcy on student loans. He’s buddies with these sharks. So I never believed his promise for a second. I have much better reasons for hating Biden than conservatives do. See there’s a big difference between medical debt and student loan debt, you can declare bankruptcy on medical debt, and it falls off after seven years anyway. Not like student loan debt that you’ll be paying off until you’re 80 years old because of the interest rates. 

Well, some people will anyway. They’re never getting a penny out of me. Bastards. Luckily I don’t own anything worth repossessing. What are they going to do, take my cassette collection? I’ll flee the country before I give them a red cent. They can suck it.

The Nestle Boycott

It’s been known for a long time that Nestle is one of the most evil companies in existence. They steal and bottle water from communities that depend on it, even in places like California where there’s been a drought for years, they don’t believe water is a human right, they have child slaves in Africa harvesting their chocolate, the list goes on. If these people could bottle oxygen they’d use child slaves to do it and charge $10 a bottle and say oxygen isn’t a human right.They secretly own like at least one third of everything at the grocery store, meaning you really have to do your research on which brands they own if you want to boycott them. It’s nearly impossible. (By the way, isn’t it nice that we live under capitalism where there’s variety at the grocery stores? Yeah, right.) But after they refused to stop doing business with Russia and help punish poor people for being born under a dictatorship, suddenly that was taking it too far. They even got hacked by Anonymous recently. That’s cool and all, but where was the outrage at the even worse stuff they’ve done? Most people only get mad about whatever the media tells them to be mad about.

Why doesn’t Anonymous go hack the student loan companies while they’re at it? Free a generation from subservience. 

Oh my Gods shut up shut up shut up about the Oscars

The internet has forced me to pick one of these unfunny memes that flooded my Facebook feed on March 28 to talk about, so I picked the one that shows what bullocks it all was. You really think this was real and not some convoluted publicity stunt? You must think pro wrestling is unscripted too if that’s the case. This is literally just like getting psyched over Steve Austin giving the Stone Cold Stunner to Vince McMahon. There’s no way in hell this was real. I can’t wait until next week when everyone forgets about this and talks about something else. This is worse than the similarly unfunny Bernie Sanders in mittens meme that swamped my Facebook feed in early 2021.Aren’t there better things to talk about? By the end of the month when this Oscar charade happened it already sounded like people in the US had even grown tired of talking about the Ukraine war. I bet most of these memes were made by bots, just like that student loan one earlier, and the bot accounts shared it all over social media, just to keep everyone distracted from the crumbling US economy, the class divide, the looming climate catastrophe, the spike of COVID deaths resulting from people pretending the pandemic is over when it’s not, or anything else that actually matters. I mean, I guess every form of entertainment is a distraction to some degree, but the Oscars, as well as other award shows, and the Super Bowl, they have this extra pretentiousness about them and they’re presented as something important and newsworthy when they aren’t. Makes it somehow more insufferable and insulting to one’s intelligence than say a movie or TV show. Who won best picture in 1992? Or even 2017? You would have to look it up. No one remembers. Because it’s unimportant. The ratings for the Oscars have been failing for years with younger people realizing it’s all bullcrap or simply not watching cable TV anymore, so they must have paid some bot company big bucks to make it look like the whole internet cares about this stupid staged incident. Gods I hate the Oscars, and any other awards show, it’s just a bunch of smug rich people sniffing each other’s farts and telling the working class what they’re supposed to like, steering them clear of anything subversive. They always screw over animation too.

See that? Apparently someone at the award ceremony said animation is “something kids enjoy and adults have to endure”; well your award show is something gullible people enjoy while the rest of us have to endure the next day when the internet doesn’t shut up about it. I guess South Park is a kids’ show. How behind the times do you still have to be to think all cartoons are for kids? Where have you been for the last 30 years? And you know what, I’ll watch any kids show or movie if it’s good. Anyone who has a problem with it can shove it.

And an independent film never wins because all the big studios have the stupid awards rigged in their favor since they’re the ones with the money. Just like how you’ll never hear non-mainstream music at the Grammy’s, or whatever the stupid music award show is called because I don’t give a fuck. Award shows are a relic of the pre-internet TV age and need to die already. It’s not the 1950s anymore.

Sunday, March 20, 2022

My Favorite Concerts and Livestreams on YouTube

I really only like listening to certain live albums or performances. I often get annoyed at the loud crowd screaming over the songs and singing along badly, and the singer changing up the lyrics, encouraging the audience to sing along or showboating too much, and all too often the sound quality is awful like it was recorded on someone’s cheap smartphone, and makes your ears bleed. I typically prefer studio recordings above all else. But there are some live performances that sound as good as or even better than the studio versions. It can be nice to hear slightly different versions of the songs you love too, just to add some variety. So when I am in the mood to stream a live performance on YouTube, these are the videos I most often listen to. This list is destined to grow of course. Some are bands performing in front of a sold out arena, others are low budget affairs recorded in the artist’s home. It’s a long list, spanning many genres, so I’ll just say a few short things about each choice.  

Light Asylum - Live on KEXP

Light Asylum is a band I miss a lot. They burst onto the scene around 2013, put out one album and some singles, and nothing since. This was a performance they did for the radio station KEXP. It sounds just as good as the studio versions, but with the added character of being played live. “IPC” is still such a danceable tune that I’ve never tired of after all these years.

Kraftwerk - Minimum Maximum 

This one is a long one, a two-parter. Here Kraftwerk plays the biggest hits of their discography, accompanied by a lot of good production value. By the 21st century Kraftwerk finally had the technology to make fully realized versions of their songs they probably would have made if they could back in the 1970s. And rather than becoming quickly outdated updates like what George Lucas did to the original Star Wars trilogy, these versions improve on many elements, and exist alongside the originals rather than attempting to replace them. Also helping is that Kraftwerk concerts don’t really lend themselves to mosh pits and screaming crowds, so you can focus on the music like a studio version.

Omnia - Pagan Folklore 

This is a relaxing concert that’s nice to put on as you’re going to sleep. If I’m in the right mood for it I do like listening to new age pagan folk music like this. This is another one that has a high production value, like it was produced for a DVD. It’s inter-spliced with little introductions to each song by the singers, giving the whole thing a certain charm. 

System of a Down - Live in Yerevan

I was at this concert, and I’ll be telling my grandkids about it one day. In April 2015 System of a Down came to Armenia for the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide, and put on probably their best concert ever. It was a magical night. They set up right in Republic Square at the center of Yerevan, and as they played a powerful thunderstorm started and just added to the epicness. I just happened to be in Armenia doing my internships teaching English with Birthright Armenia at the time, and got to go to the concert. I was out at the edge of the crowd, so I’ve never been able to find myself in this video. But I was there, I promise. 

Ministry on Broadway, Chicago, Il. (1982) 

Synthpop Ministry is best Ministry. Here’s a pretty good quality recording of one of their earliest concerts in 1982. I find that not most live performances from before the internet age have the best sound quality unless they were being purposely recorded for an album or home video, but this one sounds good. And despite Al Jourgensen’s distaste for his own early work, he recently remastered the audio of this concert and put it up on Bandcamp. It’s a worthwhile purchase. 

Glaare - April 17, 2018

I really love the sound of this band. They only had one album at the time so this concert is short and sweet, but it sounds as good as if not sometimes better than the studio versions. The singer puts more passion into tracks like “My Love Grows in Darkness”, one of my favorite songs. It’s music you can escape with. 

Mortiis - Live at the Place, September 11, 2018

This concert was from shortly after Mortiis returned to playing dungeon synth. I went to one of his concerts in early 2020 and it was more or less exactly like this, so when I want to relive that night I listen to this. It’s darkly relaxing. Great background music at least. Especially if you’re playing Dungeons and Dragons or something like that. Or even if you just want to do a dark meditation. 

Hante - Live at St. Vitus August 7, 2018 

Hante is a French coldwave solo act by Helene de Thoury. In this performance she plays in front of a small audience, but it’s professionally shot. She plays all my favorite Hante songs in this performance. It’s impressive in this performance that she does everything herself, both sing and work the synthesizer. She makes it look so natural and easy. It’s a bit similar to the Mortiis concert above, since he did all the work himself in that video too, although he wasn’t also singing. My neurodivergent brain wouldn’t be able to multitask like that. 

Minuit Machine - Sainte Rave

On a related note, here’s a concert by Minuit Machine, another band featuring Helene de Thoury. This was a virtual concert that was live streamed in December 2020. The audio alone rivals that of the studio versions of the songs, but the dark, ominous setting of the concert just adds to the whole atmosphere, like they set up a rave in an abandoned cathedral. In fact it was so good that they’re selling a recording of the concert on Bandcamp too. It would definitely be cool to have this on vinyl. 

Theatre of Tragedy- Last Curtain Call (2010)

This was the final farewell of the legendary gothic metal band Theatre of Tragedy, the last concert they played before they split up. So you can imagine they were giving it their all for this one, and it was professionally recorded due to its importance. It’s very emotionally-charged. You even see some of the audience members tearing up at a few points, as they witness the band’s swan-song. But it was a high note to go out on. 

The Cure - Trilogy (2002)

You can’t go wrong with The Cure playing all of their best albums live in their entirety. They play Pornography, Disintegration, and Bloodflowers. I also have this one on DVD, a super lucky thrift store find. It’s over three hours, but well worth listening to, even if only in parts.

Alice in Chains - Live at the Moore, 1991

This is a great showcase of early Alice in Chains, from after the release of Facelift but before their most famous album Dirt. They were less dark at the time, and as you can probably guess I prefer their darker stuff on later albums, but there are some top notch renditions of  “Man in the Box” and “Love Hate Love” here, a couple of my favorites. It’s nice to hear Layne Staley be conversational with the audience, it feels like he’s talking to you. Sounds like someone who would be great to hang out with. 

Alice in Chains - MTV Unplugged

This was mainly going to be one entry per band, buuuut these two concerts are both so good, and different enough from one another. This legendary performance came right at the end of Layne Staley’s tenure with the band, giving them a larger discography to draw from than the other live performance I included, and in many ways represented the end of an era. Alice in Chains would go on to release two more songs before Staley’s death, but this concert really did seem like the last hurrah. Not long after this Layne Staley was in no condition to tour. You get a very different energy from the acoustic versions of many of these songs. Dark, relaxing, and beautiful. And when Staley flubs his lines during “Sludge Factory” and yells out “FUCK!”, only to be consoled by his bandmate and friend Jerry Cantrell, it actually kind of puts a human face on the band. I probably would be flubbing my lines left and right if it were me.

You have to find a playlist to watch the whole thing on YouTube, no one has it as just one video. 

Nirvana - MTV Unplugged

Can’t mention Alice in Chains Unplugged without mentioning Nirvana Unplugged too. Hits a lot of the same energetic notes that the Alice in Chains one does. Most people who listen to alternative rock will have at least heard Nirvana’s rendition of David Bowie’s “The Man who Sold the World” from this concert, which received a lot of radio play in the 1990s as I recall. It is interesting that Kurt Cobain chose to include a lot of covers, and throw some folk and blues songs in there, while “Smells Like Teen Spirit” is nowhere to be heard. My favorite performance here is “Something in the Way”, with that dreary cello in the background. Much as it would for Alice in Chains, this concert ended up being something of a final farewell for Nirvana too, recorded less than a year before Kurt Cobain’s death.

Type O Negative - Symphony for the Devil

I actually have this one on DVD too. It starts with a bunch of funny clips from Type O Negative fans, and also includes the humorous antics of the bandmates. Type O Negative has a certain brand of humor you’re either going to get or not get at all. If you just want to put a live show on and listen to music in the background of whatever you’re doing it might not be the best since the songs are inter-spliced with the band goofing off backstage, but it’s entertaining if you feel like watching the band. The music itself is great too, of course. It’s performed in front of a huge audience. A bit heavier sometimes than the studio versions. But Peter Steele’s soothing baritone voice is just as good live. 

Statiqbloom- Live for Strict Tempo, July 9, 2020

This was the livestream that got me into Statiqbloom. I had heard the track “Thin Hidden Hand” before this, but the livestream was what made me a fan. It is best listened to from beginning to end as one single work. The songs all blend into one another, maintaining a consistent dark energy throughout. I also like some of the extra voice samples that were added to the songs that weren’t on the studio versions. It has more of a raw feel than the studio versions too. 

Grey Gallows - Luna Negra/ Cold Transmission 

Grey Gallows is along my favorite Greek bands. This performance is just the duo performing in what looks to be their home, but that just leaves no interference from a pesky crowd. I like these simplistic performances. You still get a different feel for the songs. For example, the singer puts a little more passion into his singing at some points, such as in the song “Enemy”. At 20+ minutes it’s on the shorter side, but they manage to squeeze in their best hits. 

Skinny Puppy, Halloween 1986

It’s kind of hard to find live performances from this long ago that sound good, but it was produced for home video, so it passes the test. I was less than a year old when this concert happened. To think I could have been listening to Skinny Puppy all my life, but only discovered them a few years ago. Pity.

Carnal Machinery - Luna Negra Livestream

This livestream is short and sweet, with three songs packed into a little over thirteen minutes, but it’s the perfect sampler of Carnal Machinery, a dark and aggressive synth-punk act. I especially love this version of the song “Voices”, with those voice samples at the beginning adding a layer of schizophrenia to the track that is missing on the studio version.

Molchat Doma - Taksirat Festival 2020

This performance perfectly encapsulates the gloomy post-punk sound of Molchat Doma. Here they go through all their biggest hits, and since it was produced for TV and wasn’t in front of a big crowd it has optimal sound quality. As a result though it doesn’t really differ heavily from the studio versions, other than being a bit more echoing. Still a good mix to put on. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Top 6 Songs of the Month ~ March 2022

It’s already shaping up to be another banner year in the world of goth music. The way this decade is going thus far there’s definitely going to be a growing demand for dark, dreary music. 

As for me, my 90s grunge kick that started last summer is still ongoing, but I’m still listening to new goth music too. As I get older, I don’t want to end up as one of those elderly people who only listen to the same twenty songs on repeat from when they were young. But the allure of nostalgia is tempting. Even then though, I’m digging stuff up that I didn’t hear on the radio as a kid. I like to keep things new on these countdowns for the most part, with only an occasional spotlight on decades-old songs. On this list we have some brand new songs from this month,a few that are a couple months old, and one that I thought was new at first but is actually from 1990. Here’s a selection from my recent YouTube likes and subsequent Bandcamp hauls.

Π’.Π .Π•Π”. ~ Русский Π₯ΠΎΡ€Ρ€ΠΎΡ€ (Russian Horror)

Not sure if this one is related to current events or not. It was released March 2nd. I don’t think most bands had enough time to write and record a song about the Russia-Ukraine war yet, especially less than a week after it started. I mean it took System of a Down about a month to release related songs when the 2020 Armenia-Azerbaijan war was going on, and they had plenty of resources as a mainstream band. 
But the English lyrics are up on YouTube if you want to have a look. It is indeed a song that brings to mind images of invasion and war. If it wasn’t written about current events then it just had amazingly good timing. Π’.Π .Π•Π” (V.R.ED in English letters) is a one-man Russian band from the city of Yekaterinburg, interestingly. Part of Russia’s bustling post-punk scene. Even if it isn’t specifically about current events, the song perhaps serves as a reminder that the Russian public is not 100% behind war. I’m not going to let the war deter me from listening to Russian music. I’m against imperialism and authoritarianism, whether Russian or American/NATO, not the people.

Scary Black ~ Tragedy

Scary Black, of the Kentucky goth scene that we’re all surprised exists, is back. This is a song with suicidal themes, so, trigger warning. This is a track from an upcoming album, released March 4th. I am excited to hear the rest of the album. The song is deliciously dark, with a thudding beat throughout, a gothic headbanger to be sure. 

Male Tears - Model Citizen

Male Tears is a band that thrives on the aesthetics of a low-budget obscure 80s darkwave band that dresses like Robert Smith from The Cure and puts out underground music videos recorded on a VHS camcorder. There’s a comical aura about them, but even so, their music is genuinely good. Exhibit A is this song, with its dark, danceable groove, off their second album Trauma Club from December 2021. It’s a song that I had stuck in my head for days when the music video came out recently. Definitely a band to watch.

This Cold Night ~ 90°


This Cold Night, the band that does not exist on social media “and neither should you” according to their Bandcamp bio, released this single in late December 2021, a little too late to make those “best of 2021” lists, but it still shouldn’t be overlooked. The music video above was released on January 1st. I finally got around to hearing it last month. As I mentioned before when they made my lists, This Cold Night first caught my attention via their contribution to the song “Run Away, Simon” with Tearful Moon. I found that I liked pretty much all of their music once I got around to listening to it. This song is a catchy post-punk track, released as a single along with the track “Denver in November”, which is also worth checking out. 

Vestron Vulture ~ Astronema 

I was excited to hear new Vestron Vulture after they won me over last summer, when they released three albums all at once. Normally if a band releases that much music at once they disappear for years (such as when And One released four albums at once in 2014 and hasn’t released anything since). Not so for Vestron Vulture, which already has a very prolific discography. The Monterrey, Mexico-based artist is known for switching genres often, but I was happy to hear Vestron Vulture is still in its post-punk phase, which I hope lasts. Their newest album, Ghoultears, consists of three songs, and was originally going to be completely instrumental, but musician Dante Diaz decided they needed vocals. The original instrumental versions of the songs are included, bring it up to six tracks. 

Asylum Party ~ Mother

“I’ve never been special.”

This might have been the biggest earworm on the list. At first I had no idea this song came out in 1990, I thought it was something new, because there’s plenty of music coming out today that sounds like this. I heard it thanks to an unofficial music video by the Youtuber Soldier of the Past (shown above). I guess you’ll have to click on it to see it, the user disabled embedding the video. Asylum Party was part of the French coldwave scene of the 1980s, contemporaries of the band Little Nemo and others. I always love me some French coldwave. That’s the best kind. Anyway, this is a song that stands the test of time for sure. It is indeed special. 

Friday, March 4, 2022

Reflections on the Russia-Ukraine War

I have somewhat unorthodox opinions on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine for someone from the US, and I felt like just getting them all out. I’m not pro-Putin by any means, but I’m also not pro-NATO either. I do feel for the regular people caught up in the conflict. After having followed a war very intimately only less than two years ago, I have an idea of what they must be going through. And I know even better what it must be like for people in the Ukrainian diaspora watching from afar. With one big difference though; the Armenian diaspora had to suffer alone.  

When the Russia-Ukraine war began, and everyone expressed their outpouring of sympathy for Ukraine, I’ll admit; my gut reaction was one of jealousy. None of this happened during the 2020 invasion of Artsakh by Azerbaijan. No one who wasn’t Armenian was changing their Facebook profile picture to an Armenian flag. No one other than Armenians were donating to Armenian charities. Armenians had to stage a protest in front of the CNN headquarters to even get the news agency to make a passing mention of the war. No one except Armenians cared when the city Stepanakert was shelled for 44 days straight, when videos surfaced of Azeri soldiers beheading Armenian civilians, when the land was burned by illegal white phosphorus. 

Armenia, and Azerbaijan for that matter, are under “Wait, does that country exist?” on the world tragedy map above. Also notice the color difference between Ukraine and Russia on the map. But logically I get why the Artsakh war in 2020 didn’t illicit the same reaction. The Russia-Ukraine war has the potential to go nuclear or start World War 3, it matters more to people than a war between two small countries they can’t find on a map, one of which they probably can’t pronounce. But it just reminds me that most people don’t care about the suffering of others until it has the potential to affect them. The “oh no, gas prices are going to go up” reactions are pretty sickening when people are dying. I try to keep myself informed about the genocides of the Tigray of Ethiopia and the people of Yemen (one which the US is complicit in by the way). But the American media only tells you what they want you to know about, so it is difficult to stay informed about everything. And they’ve been beating the war drums against Russia for a long, long time. Why exactly do they demonize Russia for invading Ukraine when the US invades a country like every other day? They just got done occupying Afghanistan for 20 years. It was bad for Russia to invade, don’t get me wrong, but is it only bad when Russia does it? When is the US going to get sanctioned?

While I do feel that war should never be the answer to a country’s problems, there is a bit more nuance to the war than you might be getting from US media. It’s a continuation of the Russia vs NATO conflict, which should have ended in the 1990s, but didn’t because war is big business. And honestly, to play devil’s advocate for a moment, imagine what the US would do if Mexico and Canada aligned themselves with Russia and started building military bases and placing missiles along the US borders. Maybe all the sudden a Mexican oblast would try to declare independence from Mexico and join the US, for some reason, and a war would start. In fact, another apt comparison is the United States’ treatment of Cuba during the Cuban missile crisis. This doesn’t absolve Putin of any wrongdoing, but the war didn’t come out of nowhere either. Basically, NATO has blame for it as well. I would even go so far as to say they intentionally provoked Russia. 

In my efforts to be a nonconformist free thinker as always, I’ve had a look at what the Russian media says about it, in an attempt to fully understand the conflict. There’s misinformation coming from both sides of course. The fog of war, they call it. But my mistake during the Artsakh War of 2020 was putting blind trust in the Armenian news media while ignoring Azerbaijan’s media. So it came as a shock when the war ended with a very humiliating defeat because the Armenian news was telling me that Armenia was winning. It turned out Azerbaijan’s media isn’t always lying, and Armenia’s media isn’t always telling the truth. It was a hard pill to swallow. Since this war is less personal to me, it makes it easier for me to try to look at what both sides are saying. This isn’t my first time trying to follow a war through the internet like it is for most other Americans. I think if you are concerned with Ukraine’s people it is actually very dangerous to only listen to one side of the media, to assume your side only ever tells the truth and the enemy’s media is purely propaganda. Because it’s always going to be a mixture of both.

And it’s very interesting how difficult the entire internet is making it to even access Russia’s side. Their news agency RT is being banned everywhere, or at least shadow-banned (for example, following RT on Facebook has been rendered impossible, as even if you do they never show up in your feed), you can’t access their website in the US or Europe, even Reddit’s Russia subreddit has been “quarantined” for allegedly spreading misinformation. They’re protecting us from the big, bad, Russian-state controlled media. As opposed to the American corporate-controlled media, which surely never tells a lie, because when the state controls media in a country it’s evil. As an aside, in America corporations own both the government and the media, so it’s still state-controlled media in a way. Whose lies do you want to follow? Anyway, the corporations of America are united against Russia. It feels like the 1950s again. And it’s alarming not only the level of censorship but how readily everyone accepts this censorship. Why wouldn’t they want the public to have access to this opposing point of view, one has to wonder. What do they want to hide? It’s not a good look for the West. 

Now suddenly every boring white American who wouldn’t have been able to find Ukraine on a map before thinks of themselves as geopolitical experts, and the narrative they believe is that Putin decided to invade Ukraine one day out of the blue because he’s so evil. Well he is evil, but that’s besides the point. This isn’t exactly the same as Germany invading Poland in 1939. NATO is the one trying to expand. Especially irritating is how they act like this is the first war that there’s ever been in Europe in decades, but that’s me being bitter about Artsakh being ignored again. For the record, there’s the ongoing Ethiopian civil war, Israel has been bombing Syria, and a continued war in Yemen. Anyway, someone on the quarantined Russia subreddit posted a timeline of events that led up to the war:

You can fact-check it if you like. But the point is, the conflict didn’t come out of nowhere. It’s been slow-boiling for a long time now. Even if one side is in the right and the other is in the wrong, or if both sides are in the wrong (as is my opinion in this case; I think all the big countries are bad, really), there’s always two sides to a conflict. 

Anyway, I better not share this blog post very widely, as not only would I get dog piled by people who like to argue on the internet, but who knows, I might get the CIA after me.