Friday, December 22, 2023

My 42 Negative Confessions to Ma’at

Far from the inflexible “Ten Commandments” of the Bible, the 42 Negative Confessions to Ma’at were catered to the individual, and whatever moral code they followed. The one you see getting passed around a lot is from Ani’s Book of the Dead papyrus, but that was just one of many. I have taken that one and tweaked it to my liking, giving it a modern update and bending it to my particular moral code, what I find to be within Ma’at. Hopefully it will be enough to keep Anubis from tossing my heart to Ammit the Devourer.  

42 Negative Confessions of Suren

  1. I have not done what I or the Netjeru consider immoral.
  2. I have not committed robbery with violence.
  3. I have not stolen personal belongings.
  4. I have not murdered anyone.
  5. I have not stolen food from any individual. 
  6. I have not swindled anyone.
  7. I have not stolen offerings to any God or Goddess.
  8. I have not told harmful lies.
  9. I have not hated someone based only on their identity. 
  10. I have not cursed anyone unjustly. 
  11. I have not closed my ears to the truth.
  12. I have not committed adultery. 
  13. I have not purposely made someone cry.
  14. I have not felt sorrow without reason (and mental illness is a reason).
  15. I have not attacked someone except in self defense. 
  16. I have not been deceitful.
  17. I have not stolen someone’s land. 
  18. I have not shown disrespect to the Earth or its creatures. 
  19. I have not knowingly falsely accused anyone.
  20. I have not been angry without reason (mental illness is a reason). 
  21. I have not seduced another’s spouse.
  22. I have not knowingly polluted myself, taken any hard drugs or purposely drank alcohol to excess. 
  23. I have not terrorized anyone.
  24. I have not disobeyed any law that I found to be just. 
  25. I have not purposely let my emotions overcome my rationality. 
  26. I have not disrespected the religion of others if their religion is not harmful.
  27. I have not initiated violence.
  28. I have not caused disruption of peace.
  29. I have not overstepped my boundaries of concern. 
  30. I have not been actively hypocritical, and correct myself if I realize I am being hypocritical. 
  31. I have not closed my ears to other points of view. 
  32. I have not subverted the will of others for no reason.
  33. I have not acted on evil thoughts.
  34. I have not polluted the water.
  35. I have not been arrogant or overtly egotistical.
  36. I have not acted superior to anyone. 
  37. I have not blinded myself to my social privileges as a white-passing heterosexual male and have stood up for those less privileged than myself to the best of my ability. 
  38. I have not been blinded by pride.
  39. I have not been bigoted or sexist. 
  40. I have not disrespected the dead, unless their actions in life has made them undeserving of respect. 
  41. I have not abused my child. 
  42. I have not been greedy, or a slave to the concept of money. 

Here’s the list I was going off of: 42 Laws.pdf