Saturday, April 30, 2022

The Doom Scroll ~ April 2022


April was a bit quieter than March was. Almost no one talks about the Ukraine war anymore, and you have to really dig to find any news about it. Typical. Then again I don’t watch TV news, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve completely stopped talking about it there too. Also everyone stopped talking about the Oscars within like three days, even faster than I predicted. Last March may as well have been ten years ago as far as the internet is concerned.  

And I’m 36 years old now as of this month. Halfway to 72. If my life were a cassette I would be close to where you flip it over to side B, if I’m not there already. See if my life were a cassette, it’s one where I have no idea how long it is. Hopefully I am still on side A, hm?

Anyway, time for another blog of political yammering that maybe one or two people will read if I’m lucky! Well that’s also because I’m too shy to share it very widely. Time to scream into the void, as it were. 

The Elongated Muskrat

I remember back in 2016 or 2017 when someone came out with a browser add-on that censored the name “Donald Trump” wherever it appeared or changed it to something else like “Drumpf” or whatever, because everyone but his cult of worshipers was so sick of hearing about him every second of every day. I want one for this bastard. I hate seeing him all over Facebook and Reddit, and even on the space documentary videos on YouTube that I put on to fall asleep each night. I try never to give him the attention he is so starved for, but I suppose I’ll do it just this once. The Muskrat has one of the most punchable faces I’ve ever seen. He almost always has a smug, shit-eating grin on his face. Then he spews bullshit about how if you work hard you might be as rich as him, even though he himself has never worked a day in his life, all he does is take credit for other people’s inventions. All he did was inherit a slave-driven emerald mine from his daddy. He delights in being the most arrogant, smug prick in the world. You know what I bet a lot of his worshipers have in common? I’m sure a lot of them grew up watching Duck Tales, which taught a generation that greedy, rich, selfish misers are the heroes and anyone who tries to make them part with even a dime of their money is a supervillain. Then again I don’t think he has as many fans as he makes it seem, a lot of his online defenders are just bots, not real people.

So the Muskrat bought Twitter recently. He doesn’t have enough money to pay taxes or pay his employees fairly, but he can buy websites for $44 billion or whatever; enough money to make every person on Earth a multi-billionaire, but then it wouldn’t have value and the concept of money itself would be exposed as the imaginary numbers meant to keep humanity trapped in a caste system that it is. Twitter was already a cesspool anyway, I’m glad I don’t go on there. Facebook may suck and is run by another evil rich bastard but at least they don’t seem to have a dedicated internet lynch mob that goes after anyone who says the slightest wrong thing; like what happened to Lindsey Ellis for example. It’s actually designed to manufacture rage. Keeps the working class fighting each other rather than the rich. Anyway, I predict that Twitter will either stay just as bad or get even worse. I’m not hip enough for TikTok so I’ll keep being a boomer and stay on Facebook while longing for the days of MySpace. 

Okay, well let’s do “capitalism” then. “No! That’s socialism!”

Have you heard? Hippie communes are capitalist! It’s so funny when conservatives try to catch the left being hypocritical, when their entire worldview is rooted in hypocrisy. Like “Aha! Didn’t you know that anything good is capitalism and anything bad is communism? Gotcha!” So if it is capitalism then why aren’t we doing this? If you’ve been reading these Doom Scroll blogs I’ve complained about useless lawns in suburban areas and advocated for growing our own food and trading it with neighbors for a while now, which actually was a common practice in rural areas of the United States until around the middle of the 20th century, when the “nuclear family” and “rugged individualism” concepts caused everyone to become estranged from their neighbors and trapped by their 40 hour a week jobs, working more hours than a medieval peasant. Because part of how the corporate class keeps the rest of us enslaved is by controlling the food supply so that we must submit to jobs or starve. This is helped by a large number of idiots with Stockholm Syndrome. It’s not entirely their fault, the school system is designed to keep people stupid, and convince people they’re free when they’re anything but. When Florida passed that “Don’t say gay” bill, for instance, they really just want to ensure most of Florida’s youth will still grow up to be ignorant bigoted rednecks.

Anyway, why don’t we just switch the definition of everything to get the working class conservatives to join the left? Okay fine, communism is now capitalism, and capitalism is now communism. The Nazis were communists, wealthy communists rule the country, get Antifa to change their names to Anticom, and there you go. It would at least work for economic issues, we’d still have to find a way to trick them into agreeing with the left on social issues like racism, homophobia and sexism and the like.

Don’t tread on the boot.

So this guy is either knowingly spreading propaganda by pretending to have solidarity with working class white people (which sadly many of them will eat right up like the obedient little sheep they accuse everyone else of being), or he’s so brainwashed himself that he thinks some higher authority than the over-militarized US police force is actually going to oppress him and take his guns away somehow, or perhaps he just sees “Don’t Tread on Me” as a meaningless conservative catch phrase, which is also possible. Seems like oppressors and white supremacists always want to pretend they’re the victim (see also Turks who somehow believe Armenians were committing genocide against them during WW1), so who knows what he believes. Who do you think would be the ones “treading”? Who has the authority in this country? They should change the wording on the “Don’t Tread on Me” flag to “Tread on everyone else but me, unless you’re rich, then you can tread on me and I’ll just blame it on liberals or minorities.” It’s really too bad the conservatives ruined the “Don’t Tread on Me” flag, it could have been a great rallying cry for the working class, but the fascists tainted it just like they tainted the swastika and the toothbrush mustache.

I knew it would happen.

I’ve mocked the right enough for one post, let’s pick on the democrats, the wannabe left. It is amazing how quickly this topic was dropped when Biden won the election. I remember the liberals wailing at the far left in 2020 that if they dared vote for the Green Party (like me) or abstain from voting they were siding with Trump and damning Latin American children to waste away in concentration camps at the US border (which were actually opened under Obama). And then what happened? The Democrats got their votes, absolutely nothing was done about it, the liberals went back to sleep, and it actually doesn’t matter who’s president because nothing really changes either way. The same shadowy puppet masters are still in charge behind the scenes. And who’s going to be blamed in a few decades when the mass graves at these detention centers are discovered, just like at the Native American boarding schools? Not the ones who deserve the blame. Politics is all just a sideshow. It’s pro wrestling, they’re all actors who are buddies backstage and get their paychecks from the same billionaire. Even your precious Bernie Sanders and AOC. The purpose of the Democrat party is to corral the left into accepting the status quo no matter how awful it is. But at least the big bad orange man didn’t win and is off the TV and Twitter (for now anyway, every wrestling show needs a heel after all, and the political equivalent to Wrestlemania is coming up in 2024). 

What a sick country this is. I wish some American nationalist would “help me pack” like they always say they’re going to do to anyone who’s offended by their flag on their stupid t-shirts and bumper stickers. Maybe they’ll help buy my plane tickets too. Come on, help get rid of a leftist.

Why do people speak in code?

Is this true? Why don’t people just say what they mean? I’ve never understood it. I’ve never been able to read between the lines in social interactions. You know, my son is autistic, and since he’s autistic I’m pretty sure I am also autistic. I’m going to get myself diagnosed whenever I can. My previous therapist said there was “no need” for me to be diagnosed officially because it isn’t disabling. But I would still like to know that about myself for sure. In the meantime I’ve been lurking around in autistic circles online, without saying I’m undiagnosed because a lot of them get really gatekeeper-ish when you admit that. But I’ve been learning a lot about myself lately. My son has taught me a lot about myself. I guess I was most likely always autistic. And it explains so much. I was bullied for my autistic tendencies in school, my first girlfriend dumped me because of my autistic tendencies, it just explains so much about all the adversity I’ve faced and how I never really felt like I fit in with the rest of society. I have always felt different, an outsider. I think differently from the people around me. I used to like to rock back and forth because it soothed me, until I screwed up my spine and tailbone doing it. I get obsessed with random topics for a few months until I move onto the next thing, I have bizarre rituals like keeping track of my top songs each month (as seen on this blog). It’s me, who I am. I thought I was done figuring out my identity, but apparently not.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

One of those Time-Wasting Music Survey Things


These kinds of lists have been passed around since the days of MySpace. But it’s not every day you see one embedded into a jpeg. No annoying copying and pasting required. They make that hard to do on Facebook sometimes. Well, I figured instead of posting it on my Facebook feed and waiting for someone to ask me these questions (let’s be honest, probably at best maybe one or two people would, but more than likely no one would), I will provide the answers here on my blog, with accompanying YouTube videos. The answers will be as of this writing, and are sure to change. 

1. Favorite Song Right Now

“Look AWAY!!!” I just heard this song for the first time yesterday. It’s quite addictive. Whether or not it will still be number one when I do May’s Top Songs of the Month remains to be seen, but it will probably be on the list somewhere.  

2. Favorite Song of All Time

What a horrible question. Maybe some people can pick one song that will always be their favorite, but I know thousands upon thousands of songs, how do I pick one favorite? The answer will probably change, but here, as of right now in the particular mood I’m in, is my favorite song. “My Love Grows in Darkness” by Glaare.


3. Song by your fav (sic) band

What’s my “fav” band? Is that some kind of acronym? What’s it stand for, “farty-ass velociraptor”? Okay okay, I know what they mean. Picking a favorite band is as hard as picking a favorite song. Well as much as I love Glaare who made ONE of my favorite songs, I probably wouldn’t call them my favorite band. Who then? Das Ich? And One? Voltaire? The Kovenant? I don’t know. Maybe I’ll go with my favorite band of the last couple years or so, Slow Danse with the Dead. I have to pick something. 

4. Song from your fav album

Enough of this “fav” stuff, please. This is the last one. Anyway, I think still after all these years, even though I don’t listen to metal much anymore, my favorite single album is still Covenant’s In Times Before the Light.

5. Good Song for Road Trips

Can’t go wrong with Kraftwerk’s Autobahn album on a road trip. Fun fun fun on the Autobahn. Clocking in at 22 minutes and 43 seconds, it’s good for those really long road trips. 

6. Good Song for Studying

Mortiis’ early dungeon synth stuff is great for studying, meditation, or just creating a certain atmosphere. I picked this one somewhat at random but any of it works.

7. Song that you used to like

Ah, now we’re getting into embarrassing cringe territory. A song that I used to like, but no longer do. Well back in my early teens I hadn’t really settled on a favorite genre, and it was the late 90s so all I had was whatever was playing on the radio. The first thing that popped into my mind is something that I am ashamed that I once liked. Eminem. In 1999 to 2000 they would actually play his music on alternative rock stations for some ungodly reason (probably just because he was white honestly, there was some subtle underlying racism involved I think, I mean why else would they play rap on a rock station). I recorded the song on some of my earliest mixtapes, only to of course record over it years later to remove any evidence that I ever liked it. I don’t like singers who only sing about themselves, he’s very egocentric. Okay fine, let me dig it up. 

8. Song that your parents like

Interesting question. In my childhood I would listen to whatever my mom and dad listened to. I think something they both liked was Guns n’ Roses, I remember my dad in particular being a really big fan of them in my early childhood. I like them too.

9. Song that you want to see live

Of course I have to pick a band where the singer has been dead for 20 years and I’ll never get to see him sing live. Alice in Chains is coming to Tampa later this year, with their new singer, it’s the next best thing but I was too broke for tickets. Like $100 at the cheapest. Anyway, I picked the song “Love Hate Love”. 

10. Song you have seen live

One of the highlights of my life was getting to see System of a Down live in Yerevan, Armenia. I’ll be telling my grandkids about that concert. I don’t think anything will ever top it.  

11. Song from the 70s

For this song, we return to my favorite band of the 70s, Kraftwerk, and their song “Hall of Mirrors” from 1978. I’ve always related to this song in a way. “The artist is living in the mirror, with the echoes of himself”. 

12. Song from the 90s

Hey why are we skipping the 80s? Well, the 80s has so much good music it would be too hard to pick something, maybe that’s it. Not easy for the 90s either though. Do I pick something mainstream, or something obscure? Do I pick something I actually listened to in the 90s, or something goth or metal that I discovered years later? I could go with a safe pick like Nirvana, but eh, I am going to pick something obscure. Here you go, Switchblade Symphony with “Sweet” from 1995.

13. Song from 2021

Here’s a good one to force those whiney, close-minded “music sucks these days” curmudgeons to answer. There’s a lot of music that came out last year that I like. I’m going to go ahead and pick Pretty Addicted with “Phobia”. A song that now goes through my head whenever I’m at the dentist. Came out in April 2021. That’s just one of perhaps hundreds of new songs I heard last year that I liked.

14. Romantic Song

Here’s one of the most romantic songs of Type O Negative, “Love You to Death”. Proof that a romantic song doesn’t have to be a sappy boy band song or something. 

15. Sad song

“It doesn’t matter how hard, you hold on. Everyone leaves in the end.” I can’t think of any songs sadder than “Everyone Leaves” by Mortiis. Nothing lasts forever, and eventually you have to say goodbye. And unless you die young it’s something that everyone is going to have to go through, getting older and watching their loved ones die one by one. It’s the downside of life.

16. Positive song

If that last song knocks you down, this one will pick you back up, dust you off and send you back on your way again, to go feel the wind through your hair and share your story and such. It’s “I’m Still Alive” by the power metal band Stratovarius. At a time when I was into Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir and The Kovenant, one of my darkest periods, I also listened to this band as kind of a counter-balance. Not that I listen to a lot of happy music today either I suppose. It’s hard for me to find a happy song that doesn’t sound like the singer is bragging or telling you to just get over your crippling depression, but this song is innocent enough.

17. A holiday song

As I’ve written about before, I loathe the majority of Christmas music. But this just says a “holiday” song, it doesn’t have to be Christmas. How about a Halloween song then? Here’s a song from 1986 that I discovered last year by the Greek post-punk band Fear Condition, simply called “Halloween”. 

18. A song you recommend 

I have been trying, so far to little or no avail, to bring to the attention of the goth community some of the Armenian gothic music I discovered last year. So here again is the Armenian coldwave duo Jrimurmur with “Anharmar a im Mej” (I am uncomfortable in myself). Listen to it please. There are at least three different versions of the song but this one is my favorite.


19. Song you just found

Every single day new music shows up in my YouTube subscriptions. They’re hit or miss, but every now and then I get one I really like, and it enters my top songs of the month list. Let me pick something from the top of my YouTube likes playlist. Here’s Wisteria with the song “Charon’s Obol” an emotionally-charged brand new post-punk track, just released on April 20th, their debut release if I’m not mistaken. I think I like Wisteria a lot, I’m going to keep listening to this song and see if it grows on me some more, I think it will.

20. An underrated song  

Almost everything I listen to is underrated. I know, that’s probably what everyone thinks about the music they listen to. But I think it’s true in my case, unless I happen to be listening to something mainstream. But even every mainstream band has an underrated song somewhere in their discography. Well okay, let’s not make this too difficult. It’s just asking for an underrated song, not the most underrated song in all of human history. Okay, I have a good one. “The Game is Over” by Ministry. This beautiful song is overlooked even by fans of early Ministry, because for some reason it never made it onto an album and only exists as a demo. This song just has such energy to it, it’s like an epic adventure. And that 80s sax. Mind-blowing. 

21. Song you know all the lyrics to

I’m better at remembering song lyrics than I am at remembering why I entered a room, it’s true. But most of the time, I have to be listening to a song to remember all the words. What’s a song that I can sing without having to hear the song being played? I’m going to go with a golden oldie, “St. James Infirmary”. The song is so old no one knows who wrote it, but it was famously sung by the likes of Cab Calloway and Louis Armstrong. 


22. A song in another language

I shared an Armenian song earlier. So I should pick something in another language. Hm, I feel like listening to Molchat Doma, some good old Russian-language post-punk. Here’s «Волны» by Молчат Дома.

23. Last song you listened to

What, you want me to post «Волны» by Молчат Дома twice? Well YouTube’s algorithm brought me to another song by them which I’m listening to as I write this. Here it is, “Kletka”.

24. A song that’s stuck in your head

Right now, at this moment? Well okay give me a couple minutes to get Molchat Doma out of my head and we’ll see what creeps into my subconscious. Hmmm…still “Volny” right now…you know whenever I try to force a song out of my head, it always comes back to this crazy song I used to listen to in my early teens, “Frontier Psychiatrist” by The Avalanches. It was like my theme song when I was 15. So let’s go with that, shall we? “That boy needs therapy.” It’s kind of fun talking about the inner workings of my consciousness. I wonder who’s going to read it. 

 25. Popular song you dislike

I dislike all popular music! Too many to choose from. Let me pick one that really irritated me. Luckily I’m not often forced to listen to terrible, manufactured and soulless pop music. But sometimes one becomes so widespread and ubiquitous that it worms its way into my ears, perhaps at a store or during a car trip where I’m not in charge of the radio. Okay, here’s a really shitty song that I hate and had to hear all the time when it was popular because it was everywhere. A song about loving someone for their body alone and not giving a crap about them as a human being, just as an object. That gods-awful “I’m in love with your body” song. What shallow drivel. “Love you to Death” by Type O Negative is a billion times better as a love song.

26. Song you like to dance to

I’m not much of a dancer, mind you, but get a couple drinks in me though and I’ll dance like mad. Let’s see…I’m going to go back to my heritage with this one. “Դոնե Յար” by Gata Band, a perfect fusion of pop and Armenian folk, and an insanely danceable beat. I made sure this was played at my wedding. 

27. Song you daydream to 

“The Sounding” by The Affordable Floors, from 1986. It’s similar to “The Game is Over” by Ministry, same kind of 80s fantasy feel to it. Truth be told, I meditated to this song once while high, and it took me places, I tell you. Felt like I was flying through the clouds on my way to Neverland. It was a very vivid experience. Ever since then I get that image when I hear it. 

28. Song you like to sing

I don’t have the best singing voice really. I’ve sung karaoke on occasion, but they don’t usually have the kind of underground music I’m into for karaoke. But for everything else I sing alone in my room, or while on walks. Anyway, I think I’m going to pick “Fieber” by Das Ich. Somehow, one way or another, I listened to it so much when I was 19 I learned the words. It’s like a German rap almost. It’s a lot of fun to sing. Although I once freaked my mother-in-law out when I was singing it with headphones on. Ah, fun times. 

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Top 10 Songs of April 2022/Ահեկի 4514 ~ Diavol Strain, Green River, Vincas, Antiflvx

I like dark music. Obvious, to anyone who knows me. But I’ve come to realize it doesn’t particularly matter what genre the dark music is, if it suits my mood, I’ll probably like it. Grunge can be quite dark. Hence my grunge kick as of late. I grew up with this genre in the 1990s via rock radio stations, but I never really explored the less mainstream elements. I have been giving myself a crash course on early grunge from 1980s, before Nirvana released Nevermind and the corporations got ahold of the genre and squeezed it dry, declaring it “dead” once they tired of it and decided to guide their fickle flock to different pastures, namely to nu-metal (another undead genre I also still like). Early grunge was like a cross between punk and metal, sometimes sounding nearly indistinguishable from the heavier examples of early post-punk, deathrock and goth rock, at least to my untrained ears. And I’ve been listening to modern grunge; for some reason when the media declared grunge dead, everyone believed them, in the US at least, and the genre was no more. But internationally, it still exists, in far flung regions like South America, Japan and Eastern Europe, very different places from its native Seattle. It’s underground music now, and that’s what’s best for the genre, really. It’s inherently an anti-establishment genre, and it’s no wonder Kurt Cobain got depressed when his music became commercialized. It ran counter to the very spirit of the genre. 

Anyway, this is why (and I’ve said this many times on the blog before) anyone who says that all new music sucks is a close-minded fool. No matter what the genre is, be it grunge, nu metal, disco, swing, hair metal, new wave, whatever supposedly “extinct” genre you can think of, I can guarantee someone, somewhere in the world, is still making that type of music. You just have to find it. A musical genre never truly dies.

But don’t worry, I’ve still been listening to plenty of newly-released goth music too. I’m still subscribed to all the YouTube channels that post new goth music. The grunge thing is probably just a phase I’m going through, like my synthwave and 1930s Big Band jazz phases, while goth is a constant, and has been since 2005. 

Diavol Strain ~ Inferno

My top pick this month goes to the Siouxsie of Chile, Diavol Strain. Their latest album, Elegia del Olvido/Elegia del Horror has been out since November of 2021. Another stellar example of the Latin American post-punk scene that deserves more attention from the more mainstream North America/Western Europe-centric goth scene. This song is as catchy as it is passionate, an energetic inferno if you will.

Green River ~ New God

I’m going back to 1984 with this pick. This song was to grunge what “Bela Lugosi’s Dead” was to goth. Green River was one of the seminal acts of the early grunge scene before the genre even had a name. As I’ve said earlier it reminds me of punk music, and it has a similar dark sound to it as early deathrock, to me reminiscent of early Christian Death. But it developed independently from that scene. I like the funny little asides in the song, sung from the point of view of a God that wants your soul. “I gave it to you in the first place, I just want it back, you understand. Oh come on, give it to me. It’s a painless operation. It’s like removing your tonsils.” It sounds goth to me even though it’s not. Maybe I’m just bad at genres. Hits all the same beats for me though as early post-punk.

You can actually find the album it’s from on Bandcamp.

Rusty Nail ~ Deborah 

Of course, a big reason I was drawn to this song is because Deborah is my wife’s name. Rusty Nail was a 21st century grunge band from Russia, and they released ten demos under the name between 2008 to 2010. They changed their name to Venus Veins with the release of their first and only album in 2012, where they changed their sound a bit too. But I prefer the more raw sound of their demos as Rusty Nail. Very reminiscent of Nirvana’s early work.

They have their album available as a free download on their website:

Vincas ~ Until it Rains Red

The Athens, Georgia post-punk band that brought us “Let Me In” has a lot of other great music too. This song in particular is incredibly heavy and badass, with a metal feel to it. The heavy reverbs on the drums with the electric guitar will have you headbanging. It’s the first track off their May 2020 release Phantasma

Skin Yard ~ The Birds

In the 80s, the saxophone invaded every genre of music no matter how out of place it seemed, even early grunge. And you can hear it used to great effect in this track. Skin Yard was around at the same time as Green River, and their first self titled album released in 1986, which was very experimental, sometimes called stoner metal. I always have a soft spot for music released the year I was born.

Antiflvx ~ Fade

This track is off the 2020 rerelease of their debut album Platonic Perspectives. The track has kind if a psychedelic and hypnotic feel to it, not unlike bands such as SYZYGYX in the same genre. The more you listen to it, the more you get hooked on it. 

Death Loves Veronica ~ Fuck Like Me

I know the title of the song is spelled “F*ck Like Me”, but I don’t believe in censorship. Death Loves Veronica actually just had a new album out on April 5th. This track isn’t off it, but I haven’t gotten to her new album just yet. But do check it out if you find yourself liking this track. I know artists would probably rather have their newest work promoted, so there, I did my part. Now this track is off Deception, a two track little single released in August 2021. I’ve been hooked on it lately, a few months too late but, eh, it’s never too late to spotlight someone’s work if they’re still going.

Espermachine ~ Love Me, Hold Me, Kill Me

This is kind of an older track off Espermachine’s 2016 album 3RD. I actually heard it on Radio DarkItalia through Radio Garden, a goth music station from Perma, Italy. They play old and new stuff. Espermachine is from Little Rock, Arkansas. I always feel surprised whenever I find a goth band from the southern US. Maybe I shouldn’t at this point. This is one of those songs with great titles. Almost up there with Scary Black’s “Eat the World, Kill them All, Scalp them with a Knife”. Worth a listen, the song lives up to the title.

Circa Never ~ I Feel

Circa Never is a modern grunge band that released some demos in 2015 and 2016 before promptly falling off the face of the Earth, unfortunately. They had a lot of potential. The best bands are always the ones that release one album or single or just demos and then vanish. The singer sounds uncannily like Layne Staley from Alice in Chains. In fact they sound more like 90s Alice in Chains than 2010s Alice in Chains does with their new singer. Their sound is exactly the sort of thing I’ve been trying to dig up. Alas, they never released a full album. 

You can see their stuff on Bandcamp, they have some songs I wasn’t even able to find on YouTube.

NNHMN ~ Omen 

Here’s something so brand new the album it’s on hasn’t even been released yet. Non Human is still going strong this month. This track is off their next album, For the Comfort of Your Exstazy, due out next month. Omen is an antiwar song about the nature of evil, using the metaphor of a dragon to symbolize the power people give to their leaders through nationalistic pride, making war possible. Something that’s always relevant, sadly.