Thursday, January 2, 2025

Opinions on AI, and Social Media These Days

So starting January 1st, Facebook will be amping up mining data for their AI, and creating fake AI accounts for whatever evil scheme the Zuck has planned, probably to fuel the culture wars and redirect people’s anger at rich people to minorities. Over the past year I’ve enjoyed being on Facebook less and less, as it is already polluted with stolen AI “art” (aka slop), not to mention 2024 being an election year which always sucks to be on the internet for, and Tangerine Hitler won, so things are probably going to be even worse this year. I hate politics. We live in a dystopian oligarchy, in a country where the majority of people are brainwashed morons. Voting doesn’t change a damn thing, at least not on a fundamental level. What can one do but either seethe over issues beyond your control, and let it take a toll on your mental health without having the power to do anything about it, or stick your head in the sand and embrace escapism. I try to stay somewhere in the middle, but it really requires deciding what and what not to care about. Selective apathy is the only way I hold myself together. 

During and after the disastrous Artsakh War in 2020 I had to decide to either follow Armenian news and be an emotional wreck and never sleep, or, unsubscribe from all Armenian news Facebook pages and YouTube channels, and leave the r/Armenia subreddit. I’m not proud of it, but I chose the latter, for my own mental wellbeing. I know the refugees don’t have that luxury. Before the war I was glued to Armenian news. The loss of Artsakh emotionally destroyed me at the time. I was hurt that nobody seemed to know about it or care. Then the Palestine genocide began, and I came to the sad realization that no matter how many people care about something like that, it’s not going to do anything to stop it. No one talks about that US soldier who set himself on fire for Palestine last year anymore, and the genocide resumes. It’s a cold comfort, that the results of the Artsakh war probably would have been the same regardless if non-Armenians cared about it or not. Social media doesn’t have an influence on that. Doomscrolling all just amounts to pointless self-torment.

It’s a lot harder to shut out the news in a country you live in, however. And in the US, your choices are to be either misinformed or uninformed. The other news channels besides Fox are centrist at best. No matter how “left” they might seem they’re all owned by corporations and they will never bite the hand that feeds them. And they profit off fear and rage. I’m not giving them that. I haven’t trusted the US media since they lied about weapons of mass destruction as an excuse to invade Iraq. But the people in this country have goldfish memory, or assume that was just a one-time goof up or something. “Oopsie daisy, there weren’t any weapons after all and millions of people died for nothing, but you can continue to trust us!” And it’s been nonstop Trump for almost ten years, and I am really sick of seeing “honorary president” Elon Musk’s punchable face on every other post, he seems even more ubiquitous than Trump these days. I don’t even care if it’s a post making fun of the guy, they’re still giving him the attention he so craves. I am just so sick of seeing his ugly mug. Something about him just makes me want to beat his ass. I’m not even on Twitter and I still have to see the fucking human Scrooge McDuck everywhere. So whenever I see him at all I leave the Facebook group or the subreddit. This is my litmus test, because I want to see less political crap on my feed. I won’t go as far as to unfriend people over it, unless of course they’re in support of the guy. 

Now these were just my problems with social media before all this AI nonsense began. As an artist, I have to decide how I am going to coexist with AI going forward. I have been uploading my artwork to Facebook since beginning my webcomic Alcatraz High School. When I heard about AI stealing people’s art, my only hope was that my art really isn’t “good” enough to steal, I know that sounds self-deprecating. I wasn’t expecting to make money off my art anyway, but now that AI is around it’s even less likely. Do I want to continue posting my art on this website so that the Zuck can steal it? I need to answer that question for myself. This all seems like a big scheme to force anyone actually making a living off their art to get a “real” job and go be slaves to the system, along with being some kind of overly-complex psy op to keep the working class at each other’s throats. And I don’t know why it takes a nuclear reactor to generate a stupid picture where the people have 12 fingers. In the beginning, when people were just using it to generate silly images, have funny conversations with the chat bots and make new Nirvana songs with Kurt Cobain’s voice, I admit I liked the novelty. This was before I understood the ramifictions of AI. The novelty was short-lived, because of course, the technology quickly was used for evil. The oligarchs at the top of the hierarchy have always hated artists for not being bootlicking slaves. They’ve been trying to figure out how to get rid of them for a while now. But I’m going to keep drawing, writing, and living life on my own terms regardless. I know I am privileged to be able to do that. Even some professional artists are having to work at fast food joints because of this. 

I have to ask myself, why do I even bother with Facebook and social media at all? Well, it’s to stay connected to family, meet like-minded people and make friends, follow some educational pages and show off my creativity. So my plan is to use it only for those things. No more doomscrolling. I need to get back to how I was before Facebook. I used to read books, play video games, write and draw more. I waste too much time on social media. Not posting my art anywhere isn’t going to stop AI. So I suppose I will keep doing it, if only due to the fact that I wasn’t trying to make a living off it anyway. I was thinking about making the leap to BlueSky too, maybe for the audience. Like I said I was never on Twitter anyway so I don’t need a replacement for it, I may just use it to post my art and blogs and such. That’s my plan for now, subject to change if things get even worse.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Armeno-Kemetic Holidays for January

Above: Vahagn fights a vishap

 Em hotep! Welcome to the month of the Swelling of the Emmer. Emmer is an ancient variety of wheat, so this would have been the month of the wheat harvest. It is sacred to the Netjer Min. Swelling of the Emmer started yesterday, so the brief two-month synchronicity between the Kemetic and Gregorian calendars has ended. I think it will be another 28 months or so before we see that again. I could be wrong though, I would have to sit and do the math, with all the leap years and other weird stuff in the Gregorian calendar. 

And I know one calendar is just as arbitrary as another in the grand scheme of things, but January 1st is just a weird day to start a year. Sopdet/Sirius is at Her zenith this time of year, but if you look at pretty much any night of the year you’ll find at least one significant astronomical event going on, so it’s rather a coincidence. Something to look for if you feel like celebrating something at all spiritual on Gregorian New Years. It’s not even the anniversary of something, like the ancient Armenian calendar, or the start of a harvest season, like the Kemetic calendar. I don’t think Pope Gregory chose it because of the swelling of emmer wheat in Egypt. I know it used to be April 1st before they changed it to January and made everyone who celebrated the old date an “April fool”, but that’s the same amount of days after the Spring equinox, so it still doesn’t make sense. Perhaps starting the year on a solstice or equinox like almost every other ancient calendar would have led too much credence to pagan beliefs for old Pope Gregory’s liking. 

I don’t know about you but that winter solstice really was a difficult one to get through. It changes people’s behavior, being without Ra’s sunlight. It put me, and many people I know, in some emotionally dark places. Not everyone has Seasonal Affective Disorder, but maybe everyone is affected by the seasons to some degree, whether it becomes a disorder for them or not. When you take yourself out of it and just observe, people get weird around this time of year for sure. And from here on, the nights will be shortening. I feel bittersweet about that, as I know within a few months the heat will make it painful to stand outside, but I will try to enjoy the cool weather while it lasts. As for darkness and the resulting isfet, we’re not out of the woods yet by any means.

Here’s a list of the holidays I will be observing this month, subject to change of course, I always seem to be learning about new holidays to add.  I recently ordered Amentet Neferet’s 2025 calendar book, but it will come in a few days. I had been waiting for that one to come out. Maybe these posts will get quite a bit longer after I’ve read through it. First we have the date on the ancient Armenian calendar (the days have names instead of numbers), and then the standard Gregorian date.


ՔՑղոց ΤΏΥΈΦ€Υ€ΥΈΦ‚Υ«Φ„/December 31 ~ Yule ends.Kemetic month of the Swelling of the Emmer (π“ˆ™π“†‘ 𓇣𓏏) begins, Emmer for short; Netjer of the month is Min. 

ՔՑղոց ΤΎΥ΄Υ‘Υ―/January 1 ~ Last day of the Seven-Day Feast of Hathor

ԱրՑց Τ±Φ€Υ₯Υ£/January 8 ~ Armenian Month of Arats Begins

ԱրՑց Մուրց - Τ±Φ€Υ‘Υ΄Υ‘Υ¦Υ€/January 17-22 ~ Five Day Festival Marking the End of the 80 Year Battle Between Heru and Sutekh; which ended with Sutekh abdicating the throne. Spend one day to reread the story, one day for celebrating your victories, one day coping with your defeats, one day pondering ways to compromise and get along with others in your life, and one day pondering the concept of forgiveness. To end the festival, forgive someone, even if only in your head, it doesn’t matter if their offense was huge or slight.

ԱրՑց Τ±Υ½Υ‘Υ―/January 24 ~ Feast of Djehuti. Do something nerdy, learn something new, write, draw. 


Here’s the favorable/adverse day forecast for the month. The 16th looks like a good day to stay in bed. May Sutekh guide us all through the coming battles of the next 31 days. 


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~ Siamanto the Foreigner


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