Monday, June 22, 2020

Suren’s Meme Hall of Fame

            You may not have known this about me, but I sometimes attempt to make memes. I can’t exactly vouch for how good I am at it, but just like with writing and art, every once in a while, inspiration strikes like lightening and I make one. I started up again recently after joining far too many Facebook groups centered around making memes with screencaps taken from animated movies. Some of these groups have what’s called a “meme tax” where they require new members to post memes instead of just lurk, giving me the kick in the pants needed to come up with something. I probably could be doing something more productive with my time, but it’s only a waste of time if you’re not enjoying yourself, right? I also do it to help keep the fandoms of relatively obscure films alive. A lot of them are autobiographical, others are just something funny I came up with.

These are the Facebook meme groups I’m most involved in. I’m in several others, but I mostly just lurk in those, or haven’t been that inspired to meme in them yet.

An American Tail: Fievel Goes Westposting

Fern Gully Hexposting

Flapperwingamathing Posting (dedicated to Once Upon a Forest)

Great Mouse Detective Flammerhangerposting

Anyway, let’s have a look at some of my masterpieces, shall we?

Here, a scene from Once Upon a Forest illustrates the Great Middle Eastern Food Fight, in which no country can agree on who invented what food. Psst...Armenians at least invented lavash, dolma and lahmajoon..don't tell the others I said that.

I have political opinions, yet I can't stand arguing, which makes me hesitant to ever share them, especially on a place like Facebook. I really don't belong on the internet, do I? I'm glad none of my blogs thus far has triggered an argument. Not only are internet arguments typically pointless and never change anybody's mind, but they're stressful as well. Hence, I avoid them when I can.

This one's based on a true story. I can't handle hard video games, as I mentioned on here recently.

I chose that song because this was for the FernGully group, but yes, my musical tastes do have a softer side, occasionally.

I'm not the first person to do a meme about this, but it had never been done to this template before, which I created by the way. 

Me sharing a blog I wrote about my top three songs of the month.

Tanya here is me anytime I say anything on Facebook.

I did this one recently, after a bunch of teens ruined a Trump rally by reserving tickets. Very topical.

And here's another one for the topical section. I've never actually done this, for the record.

2020 may have ruined some of my plans, but it created also new ones. Still, I couldn't resist jumping on this bandwagon.

I made this after losing something else, but used "keys"as a relatable stand-in.

This hasn't actually happened to me yet but I'm sure it will eventually.

Other people in the FernGully group get deep and autobiographical with their memes, so I decided to use this format to tell the story of the end of my teens and how I stopped caring about what others thought of my tastes in cartoons. I'll probably do another blog about that moment in my life one day, but re-watching An American Tail at age 18 for the first time in many years was really a big turning point for me; the first step in healing over the bullying I endured in Middle and High School.

Anyway, that's all for now. Maybe I'll do a part 2 to this in the future.

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