Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Top 3 Songs of the Month – August 2020/ՆԱՎԱՍԱՐԴ 4513 - Forever Grey, Slow Danse With the Dead, Silent EM


            If this entry seems late, it’s because I was waiting until after Navasard to post it. So, this is where I usually give news about my plans for the blog in the coming month, plans which may or may not actually come to fruition, of course. I don’t have any major blog plans right now, but I have certain ideas for things to write about. I don’t think many people read posts where I show off my collections, but despite that, I would like to do one about my collection of cassette albums. I have some more mixtape playlists I want to share too. I might also do a book review soon, and maybe even show off some art. So, stay tuned for that and whatever else strikes my fancy.

Anyway, let’s have a listen to the bands I’ve been into as of late. I’ve been listening to a lot of coldwave lately; anything with a low tempo, dreary instrumentals and droning vocals. I haven’t been all that into anything upbeat.


Forever Grey – Cathedral of Hailstone


            This song is so darkly beautiful. I love it. It’s a song of deep melancholy beauty, which is everything I love about this genre of music. It contrasts the conventional idea of beauty, because it’s not also a happy or upbeat song, but those who love the darkness can appreciate it. It reminds me of an enormous ice cathedral in the middle of a frozen tundra at night, with the northern lights in the sky. Such a contrast from the unbearable summer heat of Florida. It’s refreshing. I would love to hear this song at a night club. Those twinkling synths throughout the song almost remind me of Ice World in Super Mario Bros. 3 , actually. I guess it’s been designated as an “icy” sound for a long time now. As an aside, someone needs to make a coldwave song to the Ice World theme. Just slow it down, add some bass guitar and dreary vocals, and voila. Anyway, I digress. When I do a new version of my Cold mix I should include this song. It would go good after “Cold” by The Cure on the playlist. I might go ahead and update the Spotify playlist with this song, if it’s on Spotify.

You may remember that last month my number one song was “The Style is Death”, also by Forever Grey. This song is off the very same album. I’m still really into that song too, actually. I’ve been in love with Forever Grey’s discography this summer.


You can find their album Alabaster Chamber here:



Slow Danse with the Dead – So Obnoxious



Slow Danse with the Dead, formerly known as The Endless, is a one-man band out of New Mexico, who just released their first album under their new moniker last month. I’m not always so up to date with current bands, but this time I discovered it right away, all thanks to it being shared in a Coldwave Facebook group I’m in, and the Communion After Dark podcast. You might wonder why they spell it “danse”. Maybe it’s just to be different. Or to avoid lawsuits, kind of like when the Norwegian metal band Covenant changed their name to The Kovenant because there was an industrial band with the same name that sued them…anyway, off topic. I read an interview with the sole member of the band Johnny Ray M. just yesterday, and he said the spelling was a nod to “Danse Macabre”.  So that settles it. I couldn’t resist buying their album, SDWTD, on cassette when I saw that it was being offered on the format, so I did. I never thought there’d come a day when you’re more likely to see music released on cassette than CD, but here we are. The cassette only had four songs, and is one of the shortest cassettes I’ve seen, but I still liked it. And at least it also came with MP3 downloads with bonus tracks. Buying the album digitally is the same price, minus the shipping, so it works out buying it on cassette if you think about it. It came with a cool little pin too with the band logo on it. Perfect for the beaten-up leather jacket I have that I’m trying to convert into good DIY attire for a goth club. Here’s the cassette:


 I like all the songs on an almost equal level. The song “I Tried to be a Nice Guy” would be the closest runner-up. “So Obnoxious” was the first song I heard from the band. It is a bleak song, with vocals that sound almost comically miserable. Slow Danse With the Dead is apparently part of a new subgenre called “miserygoth” (I don’t know if it’s an official genre really), with a handful of other bands emerging with a similar sound and deeply depressing lyrics. The song is about how being overly optimistic just leads to higher levels of disappointment than it would for a pessimist. This has been my life experience as well, so I relate to it. As the song says, “To be overly optimistic is the worst.” The lyrics also insist that optimistic people are obnoxious. I suppose I’ve known some obnoxious optimists in my time.


You can buy the album here:



Silent EM – Foreign States


            I actually discovered this song recently when the band themselves shared it on their Facebook page, noting that the lyric repeated throughout the song “How can you live here? They’ll let you die!” reminds them of the United States. They had my curiosity before, but now they had my attention. I hadn’t gotten around to this album yet from the band, having previously purchased a more recent album. But now I’ll need to. This song is a lot more energetic than the last two songs, having an almost angry feel to it. This song may have come out in 2018 but it is even more relevant now, at a time when even the supposedly left-leaning DNC voted down supporting Medicare For All during a pandemic with people losing their jobs, and full-time jobs being one of the very few ways to get health insurance in this country. They really will let you die here if you’re poor; the two main parties are united on that front. Ahem, anyway, that’s as political as I’ll get right now, I’d rather not agitate anyone. (Don’t mind me, I’m still mad about almost being allowed to die when I had a serious medical issue and no health insurance, having to convince them it was enough of an emergency before they would help me and now being thousands of dollars deep in medical debt; as well as being forced to quit a job at a museum that I actually liked and becoming stuck in a hellish call center for almost a year while my wife was pregnant because she needed health insurance that my initial museum job didn’t provide.)


You can buy the album here:


Honorable Mention: Little Big – Skibidi


            I could have listed another Forever Grey song here, or another Slow Danse with the Dead song, but I decided to be different and go to another genre. This list is too depressing and in some dire need of levity. Little Big is another strange Russian group I encountered recently. I suppose you could call them pop, but Russian pop is very different from American pop, far less generic and manufactured. Little Big’s songs and videos are usually very comedic and absurd, and this one tops them all. It seems to take place in some strange alternate universe where everyone constantly does this weird arm dance, even during financial transactions. You also have to appreciate a song that uses frog, dog and rooster samples as part of its beat. You just have to watch it, I can’t describe it here.


If you find yourself intrigued, you can find the album here:

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