Thursday, September 10, 2020

Top 3 Songs of the month – September 2020/Հոռի 4513 – Selofan, Slow Danse With the Dead, Molchat Doma



            It’s September 2020 and I’m still around. The seasons are changing, Florida is finally starting to cool down a bit, and I can actually venture outside again without melting. California isn’t so lucky, sadly. My old home state is consumed by flames. It is the burning times; seems to happen every year now. I think I’ll take yearly hurricane scares over yearly fires. But maybe I only say that because I've still never been in a really bad hurricane before. People act like the year 2020 is at fault for all this, like it’s some weird curse. Same thing people said about 2016. But the truth is everything led up to this point. The fires, the hurricanes, the pandemic. It’s all been in the works for a long time, and it's all interconnected. People put way too much stock in their calendars; as if their abstract weeks, months and years have any real significance on a universal scale. They divide time up so it’s easier to pretend the past is separate from the present. But the present is the culmination of the past, they are part of a whole. It’s not just some unlucky year. What we’re seeing right now are consequences. Do people really think this is all going to end in 2021, that the curse will be broken at midnight on December 31st? I don't think so. And it definitely isn't going to magically go away if the right candidate wins the US presidential elections either.


            Well, enough about current events. My plans for the blog for the coming month are a little scant, as it’s going to have to take a back seat to higher priorities once again. I even think that I’ll debut my webcomic next month. I’m really trying to push to the finish with that, and soon, because I could use some extra money. I'm going to post it up somewhere on a webcomic site and start a Patreon. I finished one page today, took a break to write this very blog while my son was asleep, and once the blog is up I'm going back to working on the comic. That's how invested I am in it right now. But with Halloween on the way I want to do a few spooky entries on the blog. I have a fun one planned about what particular moments in movies and shows creeped me out as a kid. Either this month or next month I think I’ll make public an essay I wrote about Vlad the Impaler years ago too, just to help get in the Halloween spirit. It would be fun to talk about my Halloween mix CD too, but I’m getting ahead of myself, that’s for next month.


 But anyway, it’s time once again to list my top 3 songs of the month, because it’s little personal traditions like this that keep me sane, even if I’m the only one it holds any significance to. Each year I put as many of my top songs of the month as I can on a mixtape, and it helps me remember my past later on. It's a real trip down memory lane marathoning those yearly mixtapes. It’s like uploading my consciousness into a computer program. The blog gives me a chance to share it with people. But in practice, I suppose the blog is just a chance for me to mumble to myself online to a real or imagined audience. My music tastes haven’t changed since last month. I’ve been getting my new music from YouTube lately, particularly from the uploader Sound in the Distance. This is the music that’s been getting me through these times.


Slow Danse With the Dead – I Look Like Death



        Slow Danse With the Dead (STWTD) released their second album on September 1st, and this is the title track from it. And so soon after their debut album! That only came out last July. I don’t know how many bands just release two albums within a couple months of each other, or even two in the same year. Perhaps we owe it to the quarantine. As soon as it was announced on Facebook, I paid $5 for it on Bandcamp. No cassette version, yet at least, just an MP3 download; which of course I burned onto a CD. The new album is characteristic of STWTD’s “misery goth” style. The song itself is about dressing in goth attire while living the ideal lifestyle of a goth, “sipping wine in an abandoned tomb” and such. The Spanish lyrics in the chorus “Parezco la muerte, te ves coma la muerte” just sound really catchy, contributing to this song becoming stuck in my head as of late.


Find the album here:



Selofan – Living Scandal


        Blogger's new YouTube search thing that lets you embed videos is not turning up the video for this song, even though I know an individual video for this song exists on YouTube! In fact, here it is. I could go find the video and embed it the hard way and deal with all the html, but I don't feel like it. So, here's the full album I guess. Bah. Don't make me switch to Wordpress, Blogger.

            The illusive goth sax makes an appearance in this and a few other songs by Selofan, a darkwave band out of Greece. I get excited when I find a Greek goth band (such as Grey Gallows), because it’s almost like finding an Armenian goth band (as far as I can tell they don’t really exist, although the band The Deenjes almost sounds goth). What's super interesting is that this band has collaborated in the past with Turkish goth band She Past Away. Greece was subject to much the same mistreatment from Turkey as Armenia was. Were they able to look past their national differences and bond over their shared appreciation of the genre they both work in? I myself have also been trying to divorce politics from my appreciation of art and move beyond nationalism.


But yes, back to the goth sax. Not everyone thinks saxophones belong in goth music, (one of the DJs I follow, DJ Maus, has voiced her opposition to it, although I find that our musical tastes usually align in every other way), but I must not be alone in thinking that for some strange reason they go really well together. Like how some people like peanut butter and chocolate together and some don’t (I don’t, actually, but still). I want to make a CD mix of just goth sax songs, but I don’t know if I’d be able to fill an 80 minute CD with it, because it is a relatively rare phenomenon. The only other bands I can think of that have dabbled in it are Lebanon Hanover and Night Nail. A couple of Ministry's early songs have it too, if you consider that under the goth umbrella. Perhaps if I also included synthwave sax I could get the job done. Throw a few tracks from The Midnight on there or something.


            Anyway, I’ve been listening the more and more Selofan as of late. I first heard their song “Give Me a Reason” a year or two ago but for whatever reason I didn’t start listening to their other songs until recently. They’ve been around a while too, and have built up a nice discography for me to gradually get through.


The album this song is from, Vitrioli, can be found here:


Molchat Doma – Kletka


            Molchat Doma is a band out of Belarus. Their name translates to “Houses are Silent”. I discovered this band fairly recently, but I like the feel of it. Someone in the comments on YouTube described it best; even if you can’t understand the lyrics, you can feel the depression that went into the song. Why am I so attracted to depressing music? I don’t know. Dysthymia, I guess. Happy music usually annoys me, unless it’s particularly good or can appeal to my nostalgia somehow.


            I’m going to have to explore more of Molchat Doma’s discography, but I definitely like them. I wouldn’t mind learning to read Russian so I could know what their song titles mean.


Their 2018 album Etazhi can be found here:



Honorary Mention – OR30 -  Still Dancing


            I could go on about the dark music I’ve been listening to, such as the bands Tearful Moon and Winter Severity Index, but I like to branch out to other genres when I get to the honorable mentions. My young son doesn’t yet share my tastes in music, so we try to introduce him to whatever he will not automatically reject. He seems to like electro swing, interestingly, which is a genre I’m kind of into. So we discovered the YouTuber OR30 (I don’t know if it’s pronounced like “or-thirty” or ”oreo”), a singer and animator who has produced an electro swing concept album called Clover. The story of the album involves a young kid who’s depressed that her grandfather died, and she gets visited by three spirits who try to cheer her up. The songs are accompanied by animated music videos done in a black and white, Fleischer-esque 1930’s animation style. The songs haven’t all been released yet, we’re still waiting on the last song from the three spirits.  I like all the songs I’ve heard from this album. “Help Me”, the introduction, is a really catchy one, and the song “100 Years” sounds like it could have been sung by Frank Sinatra. Right now, my favorite is “Still Dancing”. It’s the tragic story of a dancer from the 1920’s who was struck with a paralyzing disease. When she lost the use of her legs, her daughter told her she could still dance with her hands, so she “danced” by clapping her hands for a while until she lost the use of her arms. Her daughter encouraged her to sing instead, which she did for a while. At last she is shown in a hospital bed completely paralyzed, and her daughter tells her she can still dance in her head. It’s so sad! But I like stories that tug on my heart strings, and I appreciate the message. The dancer wouldn’t let anything stop her from doing what she wanted to do. She never gave up dancing. I admire that. I’m not going to let anything stop me from writing and drawing either.


Here’s Or30’s YouTube channel if you want to check it out:

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