Friday, August 26, 2022

A Student Loan Rant


The evil Principal Bok in my webcomic Alcatraz High School might be an exaggeration, but not by much. He says the quiet part out loud. Student loans were meant to keep the poor in their place. College might have been a way for some of the lower class to rise into the middle class. And the wealthy overlords couldn’t have that. Call me a conspiracy theorist if you will, but I think the student loan crisis was planned decades in advance. In 2005, future President Biden passed a bill making it impossible to declare bankruptcy on student loans. Then the costs of tuition suddenly skyrocketed. My generation had it hammered into our brains that a college degree meant getting a high paying job. Every adult in my life said the same thing. We were all scammed. And then they victim blame us. Victim blaming is the very foundation of capitalism. You took out the loans, so it’s all your fault. The lying scammers who brainwashed a whole generation into getting them have their hands clean of all of it. 

If there’s one thing the puppet masters who rule the world want the working class to do, it’s work. Work work work, and work some more. 25 hours a day. Don’t think about your mortality. How you’re selling irreplaceable days, weeks, months and years of your finite life to the greedy CEO who sips champagne on his yacht while you suffer. Don’t think about how you might even die tomorrow, or later today, and it will have all been a waste. Bills, rent, inflation, these are all tools to keep people working. If you’re busy working, then you don’t have time to think about how you’re being scammed, you don’t have time to protest in the streets. You stay asleep, and obedient. Disobedience can cost you your life. Student loans are another link in the chain that keeps the working class enslaved. It’s also a recruitment tool for the military. If you risk your life helping the US spread its global colonial empire, you might get the fair treatment that is being deliberately withheld from the average citizen. How this pans out for veterans is another story; just have a look at some homeless veteran encampments. 

I was led down a dead end path my entire life. I eventually had a nervous breakdown when I finally realized what a lie it all was. I snapped. Everyone lied to me all through school and college. Whether knowingly or unknowingly. I was promised a career, and instead I ended up in the same horrible wage slave jobs I would have had I simply not gone to college at all, only with my already meager paychecks being garnished into a bottomless money pit that because of the interests rates will never be filled, thanks to the student loans I was tricked into taking out. 

And then Biden throws us a little crumb, forgiving a little bit of the loans. This is to give the false impression that he’s actually doing something to help. It’s an insult, a slap in the face. He is the one who made it so you couldn’t bankrupt on the loans, I don’t expect him to do anything to actually help. The entire problem was his fault to begin with. This was an act that only served to divide the people further by pissing off the stupid conservatives, who hate whenever the government helps regular people but have no qualms about the rich getting tax breaks and having their PPP loans forgiven, and to make the people who already paid theirs feel bitter. It was all part of the plan. I think they must have planned this all out 20-25 years ago. And everyone talking about student loans again is triggering me to the point where I need to avoid social media until this all blows over again. If I start thinking about this all over again I’ll slide into another deep depression. This blog entry is to just help me get it off my chest, after this I am going to try to stop thinking about it.

The only thing that would help me is if the loans were either completely forgiven, or that I could at least declare bankruptcy on them. I’m never going to be able to pay them off, at the interest rates they go at. I’m not even really asking for them to be forgiven, just let me bankrupt on them and take the credit hit for a few years, like literally any other loan. And give the people who already paid their’s a refund if you’re going to forgive any of it. I think that’s a fair request. But the puppet masters aren’t going to do that. Fucking hate them all. I hate this nightmarish dystopian society and all of the fucking idiots who defend it. I wish they would all die.

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