Friday, February 14, 2025

The Feast of Nut ~ Goddess of the Galaxy


Today is the Feast of Nut. In my modernized practice Nut is a representation of the Milky Way Galaxy. This may upset the original hierarchy of the Netjeru, in which Nut is the grandchild of Ra. But the ancients had no concept of galaxies. Perhaps the only Netjer that would outrank Her would be Atum, or Ptah, whichever Creator deity you want to go with. But there’s no one truth in Kemeticism. Perhaps She could be synchronized with Neith, sometimes said to be the mother of Ra. She would be the mother of all stars and planets. 

Here are a hymn to Nut I wrote:

Dua Nut, Mother of the Stars

Creatrix of planets, comets and asteroids,

Whose love reaches us from the soft glow of the galactic core.

You who take Ra and Geb into Your loving arms,

And give your love to all lifeforms in Your domain.

May your love reach us all,

From Ra, to Sopdet, to every lonely rogue planet,

To every lifeform that exists in Your domain,

From the most complex and intelligent, to the simplest one-celled organisms.

And when you merge with Andromeda in billions of years,

May you do so in peace, creating something new, and better.

Dua Nut, Mother of Sutekh, Mother of us all.

Truly, it is so.


~ Siamanto the Foreigner


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