Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Ash Wednesday - A Holiday Re-Dedicated to the God Ash


Prayers and Spells to Ash ๐“„ฟ๐“ˆ™๐“ฃ, ิฑีท


Ash Wednesday: A pagan hijacking of a Christian holiday, because why not. On this day we venerate Ash, and give offerings of wine. Different date every year.


Lord of the Oasis

Refreshment in the Desert

Nubty (He of Nubt, a center of His worship)

Meri Sutekh (Beloved of Set)

Ash of the Many Faces

Lord of the Land of the Olive Tree

Lord of Tenehu (Libyan tribe)

The Desert Sha (one of mine for Him)



Purified Water






Red candles 

Incense, especially cinnamon 




End offerings of wine with: “I am refreshed by this Ash.”

Hymn to Ash

Dua Ash of the Many Faces,

Neb Wakhat, Lord of the Oasis.

You who quenches the thirst of the 

lost souls in the desheret. 

Meri Sutekh, The Desert Sha, 

beloved in Nubt and Dakhla.

He of Libya, the original foreigner

among the Netjeru.

He who refreshes Ra on his Solar Barque.

He who offers his support to Sutekh

in his constant struggle against A๐“Œœp๐“Œœe๐“Œœp๐“Œœ.

May Ash cool the temperament of my opponents,

Grant me strength and refresh my soul

as I wander the desert of life, and 

after death, may I come home to your Oasis

beyond the Seven Stars of Sutekh’s Khepesh,

wherein I will say, “I am refreshed by this Ash”.

Dua Ash, แฝทรขnลญn mรค'ฤ…

Truly it is so....

~ Siamanto the Foreigner


(JEA 14 (1928) pp. 211-225). CT spell 107, “Recitation for going out into the day,” states on behalf of the deceased that “Sha guards me in company with the Lords of Upper Egypt.” In BD spell 95, for “being beside Thoth,” the operator states that “Ash cools off opponents for me,” in which it seems that Ash is to share in the characteristic function of Thoth of calming wrathful deities, perhaps because of Ash’s association with wine.

Book of the Dead

Spell in order to open beside Thoth, to speak by the Osiris NN, justified:

I am the lord of the terror in the storm, protected by Wereret (the great crown of Upper Egypt) in the battle. I strike the violent Ash and refresh Ash. I have prepared a place for Weret (the Uraeus) in the battle.I have hardened the knife with the knife which is in Khepri’s hand in the storm.

pTurin Museo Egizio 1791, Tb 095

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