Saturday, November 30, 2024

My Personal Spin on Ancient Egyptian Astronomy

Above: The ancient Egyptian zodiac on the ceiling of Dendera Temple

Set was associated with the planet Mercury in ancient Egyptian cosmology. It makes sense for the closest planet to the Sun to be associated with Set, who is always at the bow of Ra’s Solar Barge, even though I thought it would be Mars, since it’s red and it’s a desert, doesn’t get much more Setian than that. But the ancients couldn’t have known it was a desert; still they should have noticed it was red. Instead they have Horus hogging most of the known planets, as He was associated with Mars, Jupiter and Saturn under different epithets, while Venus was associated both with the Bennu bird (Egyptian phoenix) and with Osiris. Just as the Egyptian religion is one of the only ones to see the Earth as male (Geb) and the Moon as male (Thoth, Iah, Khonsu, the Eye of Horus, etc.), it is also one of the only ones to see Venus as male. Most contemporary cultures would associate the planet with whichever form of Inanna/Ishtar/Astarte/Astghik they had. After Set became demonized Mercury would be given to Thoth, perhaps due to Greco-Roman influence as that was also the planet of Hermes/Mercury. The Dendera Temple has a famous depiction of Ancient Egyptian astrology, as well as personifications of all the known planets. Therefore this fully-human depiction of Mercury may be seen as Set in His human form (don’t all faint at once, ladies). There’s a famous depiction of Anpu in His human form but I know of no others of Set. 

I like to incorporate modern astronomical knowledge into my practice, as surely Egyptians would have done too if it weren’t for Abrahamic religions (and they probably would have figured things out centuries earlier than the West did too, without those terrible monotheistic theologies slowing humanity’s progress down; maybe we would be traveling to the stars by now if it wasn’t for that). I wonder what the people of Kemet would have called Uranus, Neptune and Pluto? Which of the Netjeru is associated with those planets? We can only get the answers through Unverified Personal Gnosis at this point. If I were naming them, firstly Horus would only get one planet, not three. I like having Set associated with Mercury, but if we are doing one Netjer per planet maybe Set could trade Mercury to Thoth in exchange for Mars. 

So let see; 

Mercury =Djehuti

Venus = Nebet-Het in the evening, Aset in the morning

Earth = Geb

Mars = Set

Jupiter = Horus

Saturn = Hathor

Uranus = ,Shu Neptune = Tefnut, 

Pluto = Osiris

(a dwarf planet is still a type of planet, dammit. Maybe Pluto’s moon could be named after Medjed.)

To me, Nut is the personification of our galaxy. Perhaps in my version She predates Ra by a lot, who is a creator deity only for our solar system. We are all Children of the Sun. But the Sun is still much younger than the rest of the universe. In some forms of the mythology Neith is the mother of Ra. Perhaps She embodies the creative force that causes star clusters to form. Ra has siblings somewhere from the star cluster in which He was born. Around our Sun, rocky planets began to form. Early Earth is like the Benben, the mound which rose from the seas of Nun, which symbolizes space itself (full of light waves, radio waves, just like waves in the ocean). 

There is a hypothesis in astronomy called panpsychism, which states that there is consciousness in all things, including stars. This hypothesis is an alternative to the dark energy hypothesis, which was created to explain why stars orbit their galaxies  faster than can be accounted for by gravity alone. Under pansychism, the stars are rotating around the galaxy not because they are being pushed by some invisible force, but of their own volition, because they are alive and choosing to orbit the galaxy. Stars are born, grow old and die, just like any lifeform. What else would you call such a living thing but a God?

Further Reading:


Thursday, November 28, 2024

Notes on Hathor on the Day of Her Festival


According to my calendar, today is the Feast of Hathor. It is nice to have an alternative holiday to celebrate today (untainted by genocide), although it doesn’t sync up like this every year. I am thankful to Hathor, so it is appropriate. I have been venerating Hathor for almost 20 years, as long as I’ve been a pagan. I credit Her with bringing me my wife, after some years of trial and error, during which I had a lot of personal growth to do. Music has always been my passion, as an escape and coping mechanism, making Hathor a very important Goddess in my personal pantheon. 

Here is some art of Her by me, from my webcomic Alcatraz High School, and my notes on Hathor, along with a hymn I wrote to Her today. I might record myself reading it and put it on YouTube like I did with my Set hymns. I got Her epithets from an English translation of the “Lexikon der Ägyptischer Götter und Götterbezeichnungen”, which I can link you to.


Prayers and Spells to Hathor 𓉡, Հաթխոր

Egyptological Name: Het-Heru

Reconstructed Name: ḥatḥáru (hat-HA-ru, slight hard “h”, like the Armenian letter Խ)

Other names: Hethert, Hat-Haru, Hut-Haru


Aug. 20 - Feast of the Lady of Drunkeness at Dendera 

Aug. 29 - Birthday of Hathor

Oct. 4 - Feast of Hathor 

November 1 -30 - Kemetic Month of Het-Heru

Nov. 28 - Feast of Hathor and Sekhmet

February 28 ~ The procession of Het-Heru

June 11 - Hathor and Horus’ Wedding Anniversar


Eye of Ra

She Who Rejoices in Her Horizon 

Lady of the Stars

Mistress of the West

Nebet-Ankh, Lady of Life

Lady of the North Wind

Nebet-Nub, Lady of Gold

Netjeret A’a, Great Goddess 

Nebet Nehet, Mistress of the Sycamore 

Nebet-Sema, Lady of Music

Nebet Tekh (tx), Mistress of Drunkenness 

Nebet-Pekhui (pHwy), Mistress of the Buttocks

“The anus of Set is given over to Her” (I’d love to know the story behind that one)

Akhet em Akhet - Magnificent One of the Horizon

Golden One Who Rises in the Horizon with Her father, Ra

Nebet Put, Ta, Duat, Lady of Heaven, Earth and Duat

Webenut (wbnt), The Rising One

Nebet Iakhu (iAxw), Lady of Radiance

She of the Radiant Dawn

She Who Illuminates the Path

Who allows the gardens to become green at Her rising

Suat Keku (swAt KKW), Who Lets Darkness Pass

Powerful One in the House of the Falcon 

Nebet Seshet (sSSt), Lady of the Sistrum

Great Cow of Ra

Sat Ra - Daughter of Ra 

Who rose together with Her Father at the Beginning of Time

Mistress of the Breath of Life 

Deret net Ra, the Hand of Ra

Who Burns Her Enemies with the Firey Breath of Her Mouth 

Nebet Iba, Lady of the Dance 

The Baboons Cheer Her Illumination 

Music Began in Her Ka

The Inebriating Drink is Prepared for Her Ka

Hemet Heru - Wife of Horus

Nebet Neser, Lady of the Flame

A version of the names of the Seven Hathors are known from the tomb of Queen Nefertari;

  • Lady of the universe
  • Sky-Storm
  • You from the land of silence
  • You from Khemmis
  • Red-Hair
  • Bright red
  • Your name flourishes through skill



Hymn to Hathor on the Day of Her Feast

Dua ḥatḥáru, Netjeret A’a,

Great Celestial Cow, Lady of the Radiant Dawn, 

Who rose with Her Father at the Beginning of Time.

The baboons stand and cheer as Your rays touch the land,

Causing gardens to be green and fields to be fertile.

Mistress of Drunkeness, Without whom the land would weep, 

Thank you for your many blessings, Lady of Life.

Nebet Sema, the Mistress of Music,

Lady of the Dance and the Sistrum,

Rythm was born in your Ka.

From Jazz to Rock to Electronica,

From Punk, to Hip-Hop, to Metal,

From Folk music, to Polka, to Pop,

All musical genres come from You, 

And are Pleasing to Your Ears. 

You have given humanity the gift of rhythm,

You have given humanity love and cheer,

And you have made life worth living.

Beloved of Ra and Horus,

Mistress of Heaven, Earth and the Duat,

Powerful One in the House of the Falcon,

Whose Grand Temple still stands in Dendera,

Receive my offerings, Great Netjeret,

 as an eternal thanks For bringing love into my life.

Dua ḥatḥáru, Netjeret A’a,

ânŭn mä'ą

Truly it is so. 


~ Siamanto the Foreigner


Սիամանթօ Օտարը

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

My Religious Beliefs of 17 Years Ago Explained


I wrote down my religious beliefs in a notebook sometime around 2006 or 2007, completely forgot about it for 17-ish years, and I just dug that up today. I don’t think I knew the term for it back then, but it was basically pantheism. I forgot about the “governing forces” (Chaos/Order/Light/Dark) that I believed were the four forces that controlled the universe, which in hindsight may be an oversimplification. I wanted to call the central figure in pantheism the AR, which is a concept from Armenian neopaganism (and notice if you spell it backwards it becomes RA). I might now consider AR to be referring to the deity the Egyptians called Atum, that created the universe. Anyway, my beliefs haven’t drifted too far from this, although this was well before I learned about panpsychism or seriously studied either Armenian or Egyptian religion. I think of Gods as more or less complete individuals now with a few exceptions (Inanna/Ishtar/Astarte for example, probably all the same Goddess). I’m not into the whole “law of attraction“ thing anymore because it seems to just devolve into victim-blaming and telling people to “lift themselves by the bootstraps”, but I think there is a slight something to it, insofar as you attract what you put out into the world. Another difference since then is I like to capitalize the word “Gods“ now, as well as “Goddess”, and only use lower case when talking about the monotheistic god. 

Let me know if you can’t read something in the image, I can clarify it. 

A few years ago I ran across the fringe scientific hypothesis that stars are actually living beings and it blew my mind. Like, it makes sense, life comes from the Sun so why wouldn’t the Sun itself be alive? I never looked at plants the same way anymore either after that. That was when I researched panpsychism. The Egyptians believed everything had a Ba, it’s essence or personality, and that sounds remarkably like panpsychism. Anyway, I have the article I mentioned here, if you want to look at it.

~ Siamanto the Foreigner


Սիամանթօ Օտարը

Monday, November 25, 2024

Trilingual Hymn: Sutekh, Lord of Life, at the Tip of Ra’s Barque

 I thought I would share a new hymn I wrote to Set. I used His epithets from the Lexicon der ägyptischen Götter, and whatever sentences I was able to string together using my self-made ancient Egyptian dictionary. I wanted it to be able to be read in both English, Armenian and ancient Egyptian. Hopefully there aren’t grammatical errors, if there are feel free to let me know, I’m still learning. 

Sutekh, Lord of Life, at the Tip of Ra’s Barque

Sutekh Neb Ankh, en hat Wia em Ra 


Dua Sutekh en Wekhat, 

Neb Ankh, Neb Desheret, 

Neb Khakhat, Neb Cha-oo

Neb khepesh, Neb put mehtit.

Kheqa’a ta sma-oo

A’a pehty en hat wia em Ra,

Aha em khet,

Netjer nefer Sekher A𓌜p𓌜e𓌜p𓌜,

Nef nefer en Ran

Seda nef put.

Desher A’a, desher f’a,

Iry keku,

Wer Heka  ir iret keku.

Ir Sutekh sahu.

Khasty Sutekh mi fes. (xAsty-stX-mi.f/s)

Hawa em hāā.

Dua Sutekh, netjer nefer.

ânŭn mä'ą.

Truly it is so.

~ Siamanto the Foreigner


Սիամանթօ Օտարը

Սուտեխ, Կյանքի Տեր, Ռա Բարկի ծայրում

Փառք Օազիսի Սուտեխին

Կյանքի Տեր, Անապատի Տեր,

Փոթորկի Տերը, Քամու Տերը

Սրի տիրակալ,

Հյուսիսային երկնքի Տերը,

Երկու երկրների տիրակալ,

Նա մեծ զորությամբ Ռանի նավի ծայրում,

Նա, ով կռվում էր արգանդում:

Կատարյալ Աստված, ով կործանում է Ա𓌜պ𓌜ե𓌜պ𓌜:

Գեղեցիկ երեխա Ռան,

Ում առաջ երկինքը դողում է։

Մեծ կարմիր, նա կարմիր մազերով,

Խավարի ընկեր.

Նա մեծ կախարդանքով ստեղծեց խավարի աչքը:

Սուտեխը պաշտպանություն է տալիս:

Ես Սուտեխի նման օտար եմ,

ուրախանալով անձրևի տակ.

Փառք Սուտեխին, կատարյալ Աստծուն:

Իսկապես այդպես է։

Sutekh, Lord of Life, at the Tip of Ra’s Barque

Praise be to Sutekh of the Oasis

Lord of Life, Lord of the Desert,

Lord of the Storm, Lord of the Wind

Lord of the Sword, 

Lord of the Northern Sky,

Ruler of the Two Lands,

He with great power at the tip of Ra’s barque,

He who was fighting in the womb.

Perfect God who destroys A𓌜p𓌜e𓌜p𓌜,

Beautiful Child of Ra

Before whom the sky trembles.

Big Red, He with Red Hair,

Comrade of the Darkness.

He with great magic who created the Eye of Darkness.

Sutekh gives protection. 

I am a foreigner like Sutekh, 

rejoicing in the rain.

Praise be to Sutekh, perfect God. 

Truly it is so.

~ Siamanto the Foreigner


Սիամանթօ Օտարը