Wednesday, November 27, 2024

My Religious Beliefs of 17 Years Ago Explained


I wrote down my religious beliefs in a notebook sometime around 2006 or 2007, completely forgot about it for 17-ish years, and I just dug that up today. I don’t think I knew the term for it back then, but it was basically pantheism. I forgot about the “governing forces” (Chaos/Order/Light/Dark) that I believed were the four forces that controlled the universe, which in hindsight may be an oversimplification. I wanted to call the central figure in pantheism the AR, which is a concept from Armenian neopaganism (and notice if you spell it backwards it becomes RA). I might now consider AR to be referring to the deity the Egyptians called Atum, that created the universe. Anyway, my beliefs haven’t drifted too far from this, although this was well before I learned about panpsychism or seriously studied either Armenian or Egyptian religion. I think of Gods as more or less complete individuals now with a few exceptions (Inanna/Ishtar/Astarte for example, probably all the same Goddess). I’m not into the whole “law of attraction“ thing anymore because it seems to just devolve into victim-blaming and telling people to “lift themselves by the bootstraps”, but I think there is a slight something to it, insofar as you attract what you put out into the world. Another difference since then is I like to capitalize the word “Gods“ now, as well as “Goddess”, and only use lower case when talking about the monotheistic god. 

Let me know if you can’t read something in the image, I can clarify it. 

A few years ago I ran across the fringe scientific hypothesis that stars are actually living beings and it blew my mind. Like, it makes sense, life comes from the Sun so why wouldn’t the Sun itself be alive? I never looked at plants the same way anymore either after that. That was when I researched panpsychism. The Egyptians believed everything had a Ba, it’s essence or personality, and that sounds remarkably like panpsychism. Anyway, I have the article I mentioned here, if you want to look at it.

~ Siamanto the Foreigner


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