Thursday, November 28, 2024

Notes on Hathor on the Day of Her Festival


According to my calendar, today is the Feast of Hathor. It is nice to have an alternative holiday to celebrate today (untainted by genocide), although it doesn’t sync up like this every year. I am thankful to Hathor, so it is appropriate. I have been venerating Hathor for almost 20 years, as long as I’ve been a pagan. I credit Her with bringing me my wife, after some years of trial and error, during which I had a lot of personal growth to do. Music has always been my passion, as an escape and coping mechanism, making Hathor a very important Goddess in my personal pantheon. 

Here is some art of Her by me, from my webcomic Alcatraz High School, and my notes on Hathor, along with a hymn I wrote to Her today. I might record myself reading it and put it on YouTube like I did with my Set hymns. I got Her epithets from an English translation of the “Lexikon der Ägyptischer Götter und Götterbezeichnungen”, which I can link you to.


Prayers and Spells to Hathor 𓉡, Հաթխոր

Egyptological Name: Het-Heru

Reconstructed Name: ḥatḥáru (hat-HA-ru, slight hard “h”, like the Armenian letter Խ)

Other names: Hethert, Hat-Haru, Hut-Haru


Aug. 20 - Feast of the Lady of Drunkeness at Dendera 

Aug. 29 - Birthday of Hathor

Oct. 4 - Feast of Hathor 

November 1 -30 - Kemetic Month of Het-Heru

Nov. 28 - Feast of Hathor and Sekhmet

February 28 ~ The procession of Het-Heru

June 11 - Hathor and Horus’ Wedding Anniversar


Eye of Ra

She Who Rejoices in Her Horizon 

Lady of the Stars

Mistress of the West

Nebet-Ankh, Lady of Life

Lady of the North Wind

Nebet-Nub, Lady of Gold

Netjeret A’a, Great Goddess 

Nebet Nehet, Mistress of the Sycamore 

Nebet-Sema, Lady of Music

Nebet Tekh (tx), Mistress of Drunkenness 

Nebet-Pekhui (pHwy), Mistress of the Buttocks

“The anus of Set is given over to Her” (I’d love to know the story behind that one)

Akhet em Akhet - Magnificent One of the Horizon

Golden One Who Rises in the Horizon with Her father, Ra

Nebet Put, Ta, Duat, Lady of Heaven, Earth and Duat

Webenut (wbnt), The Rising One

Nebet Iakhu (iAxw), Lady of Radiance

She of the Radiant Dawn

She Who Illuminates the Path

Who allows the gardens to become green at Her rising

Suat Keku (swAt KKW), Who Lets Darkness Pass

Powerful One in the House of the Falcon 

Nebet Seshet (sSSt), Lady of the Sistrum

Great Cow of Ra

Sat Ra - Daughter of Ra 

Who rose together with Her Father at the Beginning of Time

Mistress of the Breath of Life 

Deret net Ra, the Hand of Ra

Who Burns Her Enemies with the Firey Breath of Her Mouth 

Nebet Iba, Lady of the Dance 

The Baboons Cheer Her Illumination 

Music Began in Her Ka

The Inebriating Drink is Prepared for Her Ka

Hemet Heru - Wife of Horus

Nebet Neser, Lady of the Flame

A version of the names of the Seven Hathors are known from the tomb of Queen Nefertari;

  • Lady of the universe
  • Sky-Storm
  • You from the land of silence
  • You from Khemmis
  • Red-Hair
  • Bright red
  • Your name flourishes through skill



Hymn to Hathor on the Day of Her Feast

Dua ḥatḥáru, Netjeret A’a,

Great Celestial Cow, Lady of the Radiant Dawn, 

Who rose with Her Father at the Beginning of Time.

The baboons stand and cheer as Your rays touch the land,

Causing gardens to be green and fields to be fertile.

Mistress of Drunkeness, Without whom the land would weep, 

Thank you for your many blessings, Lady of Life.

Nebet Sema, the Mistress of Music,

Lady of the Dance and the Sistrum,

Rythm was born in your Ka.

From Jazz to Rock to Electronica,

From Punk, to Hip-Hop, to Metal,

From Folk music, to Polka, to Pop,

All musical genres come from You, 

And are Pleasing to Your Ears. 

You have given humanity the gift of rhythm,

You have given humanity love and cheer,

And you have made life worth living.

Beloved of Ra and Horus,

Mistress of Heaven, Earth and the Duat,

Powerful One in the House of the Falcon,

Whose Grand Temple still stands in Dendera,

Receive my offerings, Great Netjeret,

 as an eternal thanks For bringing love into my life.

Dua ḥatḥáru, Netjeret A’a,

ânŭn mä'ą

Truly it is so. 


~ Siamanto the Foreigner


Սիամանթօ Օտարը

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